The beef stew was gone! And, that is how I describe our night at Scarlet Cord! D and S, our sisters, were there to partake in the amazing beef stew Glenn prepared. D stopped by to chat and eat before she was off to her graveyard shift at the airport. She will soon be able to request daytimes and is looking forward to a more "normal" schedule. She continues to speak about her strained relationship with one of her daughters -- definitely a prayer concern. S came later and livened the evening with jokes and smiles. She seems to be getting back on feet slowly but surely. Please continue to pray for her situation. She was pretty intoxicated on Friday, but had good conversations with many of our volunteers.
Bailey, Sandy, and Bekah headed to the streets and had meaningful connections with several women. Sandy noted that she met up with a "queen bee" type who was being watched closely by a man. Our volunteers spoke with her and invited her to dinner and before turning away she asked Sandy if she could have a hug. Sounds like it was a beautiful moment! The area around SC has been quiet for the past several months since the "Clean up 82nd" campaign began, however "action" seems to be picking up around the area again. The street team also met up with a woman living in one of the motels along Sandy Blvd with her four children. And...she came!
D entered with her four kids and our volunteers sprang to action serving the rest of the food to the hungry family. We were able to give her many hygiene supplies and warm clothes for her and her family. D took a lot of the information from our resource guide! She agreed to come back and see us next week and was over-the-top grateful for all the food, attention, and love we gave to her and her family. She didn't elaborate on her situation, but I encourage everyone to be in prayer for her and her precious children. (They were all very, very polite and great conversationalists!)
The home team (Jen, Hilary, Carrie, and Sara) enjoyed warmth and fun during a cold evening, and I believe everyone felt a true sense of community! Thank you to everyone who continues to be faithful to the vision of Scarlet Cord and Christ's example "to serve the least of these." It is a pleasure to work with and know all of you!
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