Our volunteers tonight were Carol, Sandy, Elisa, Melanie, Ellisha, and Emily. Our group was blessed by another women's group that Elisa is acquainted with, they stopped by with the entire meal and joined us for prayer. They brought us a Chicken Mexican style casserole, along with a Caesar salad, lots of fresh fruit and veggies, as well as some brownies and cookies! Most importantly they got a glimpse into our ministry and assured us that Scarlet Cord would be in their prayers. We were also overloaded with sweets that Abundant Life left for us donated by Panera bakery, Yum!
It was kind of a quiet night, but it felt really good for me to be back after a long holiday hiatus, and some of the other women expressed similar sentiments. Ellisha shared with us some of her experiences from her recent trip to Europe, where she also went to Amsterdam and met up with our Scarlet Cord Ally abroad Tiffany. Our street team went out in hopes of spotting a young lady that Carol has been informed is working somewhere near the McDonalds on 82nd. Carol met the mother of C at a benefit night, and the mother was frantic to find her daughter who is 18, mildly cognitively disabled, and has run away from home. Her mother found out about Scarlet Cord and begged Carol for us to keep our eyes out for her daughter, who has been spotted near our friday night location. She has never been away from home this long, and her mother is desperate to find her. Since she is over 18 she is not getting any help from local authorities. Please keep C and her mother L in your prayers. The streets were pretty quiet tonight, so our street team came in early from the cold and we all enjoyed the wonderful meal together. Soon after, D came in to join us for dinner sporting her new work uniform and was proudly showing off her I.D.badges. Things seem to be improving for her, and her relationship with her daughter seems to be improved as well.
Elisa gave us a hands on work out demonstration, and I can't say that I wasn't motivated by her demonstration of some new work out techniques called "cross-fit". Finally we heard the familiar "Heeeey" that announced S's arrival. It was really good to see S, and it was also good to see how comfortable she has gotten with our group. She is finally eating the meals with us, and has seemed to let her guard down enough to really be herself and share a little bit about herself openly with the group. I know that S has always been outspoken and the loudest voice in the room, talking or singing. But I feel like the fact that she is letting us see her softer side, and does not feel the need to win approval with jokes and constant humor, is really a testimony to how close and safe she now feels at Scarlet Cord. The night ended quietly, as it began.
Please keep D and S in your prayers this week, as well as C, I know that her poor mother appreciates our prayers and let's really pray that she is found soon, and safe at home with her mother.
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