Thursday, February 26, 2009

Immediate Financial Need

Hi all,
A bit of honesty here, I am in need of funds for this month. God has provided a way for me to be able to pay my $400 in student loans and debt each month so far, but I have presently run out of money! My bills are set to be paid automatically in 4 days, and funds have not come in for this month. I know these are tough financial times for most, so please, if you are able to make an immediate donation, contact me at

For those of you who have been, or will be sending a tax-deductible check to Imago Dei Church for my financial support, please:

1. Write "Amsterdam" in the memo line. (very important!)

2. Mail the check to:

2830 NE Flanders
Portland, OR 97232

Thank you so much for your continued support.

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