Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Update, December

Ministry/Outreach Opportunity finally presented!
I have finally been accepted as a volunteer with a prostitution outreach organization, but this isn’t just the average. The Scharlaken Koord is the most established and successful prostitution alternatives organization in Amsterdam! Of all the organizations I have had contact with, this was the least likely, yet most beneficial possibility, and best fit for me. I’ve had many frustrations with waiting to get involved, but God had everything all figured out. I will start on the 18th of this month, and will be on the streets with experienced volunteers 3 times per week. One shift each week will be with a Spanish-speaking volunteer / former prostitute. I will go with her to the Spanish-speaking part of the Red Light District to talk with the ladies. The Scharlaken Koord will use me as a volunteer, and they also recognize my desire to learn about the administration and behind the scenes workings of their organization. They will be looking for opportunities for me to learn from them in this way, along with field work experiences on the street.

The Scharlaken Koord
(look for the English tab on the left of the webpage)
The organization is called The Scharlaken Koord (Dutch for Scarlet Cord). *We at Scarlet Cord Portland didn’t know of this organization when we chose our name.* It was founded in 1987. What started as some volunteers talking with prostitutes in the windows a few times a week, has since grown into a respected and successful ministry and prostitution alternatives agency. The Scharlaken Koord provides fieldwork, prevention, information, advice, social work, publications and expertise in Amsterdam and other cities throughout the Netherlands.

I am humbled, thankful, excited and blessed to be welcomed into such an established organization. Considering I don’t speak Dutch, and I cannot make a commitment in regards to length of my stay in Amsterdam, I am amazed by this invitation and wonderful opportunity. God is so good!

Work, Family & Finances
It’s strange, but just as the door of opportunity for involvement in the Red Light District has opened up, several aspects of my life have changed in ways that could cause me to doubt and fear.

I have very little money, not even enough to pay my bills back home next month, let alone purchase a return ticket to Portland (whenever that will be). The little money I have earned each month from my work as au pair goes directly to the train and metro transit system for my transportation to and from Amsterdam several times per week. Despite financial need, I have decided to end my job here at the end of next month. I believe it is not what I'm meant to be doing right now. I wasn’t able to obtain a visa as I had hoped. If I continue to work, I run the risk of getting into trouble. Another reason for terminating my employment early is that my father's health is declining quickly and I want to be available to return to Portland if need be. Doctors say he may pass away soon, in which case I will go home to be with family. At the same time, I am looking for a job opportunity (visa included) so I can stay, as long as the situation at home is stable, or can return to if that seems reasonable.

I’m sure this is confusing to you…it’s confusing to me as well. There is much uncertainty in my future. Please pray for me as you feel led. Now that I have joined an organization (and have run out of money), PLEASE prayerfully consider giving a bit of financial support on a one-time or monthly basis. I know, the economy is bad and Christmas is just a few weeks away… but every little bit will help at this time. The Lord has assured me all along that He will provide, and I trust this is true.

Here’s an estimate of the costs I need covered each month:
Transportation: $120
Student loan debt: $400
Return flight to Portland: upwards of $2000 (ouch!)

You can send your tax-deductible donation to:

Imago Dei Community Church
2830 NE Flanders, Portland, OR 97232
*make sure to write “Amsterdam” in the memo line

Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas time this year!



Unknown said...

i'm so excited you are able to get involved with a ministry there tiff! i totally understand the being broke but quitting your job conundrum. when i was broke at l'abri i decided to stay longer... haha. God works these things out. love and miss you! thanks for these updates.


Unknown said...

dear tiffany,
i'm a new SC volunteer here in pdx and have been at imago for 4 yrs. i'm so excited for you as well, but my heart breaks for you as your dad's health has not been good. i've been watching my dad go through some serious complications from pancreatitis and internal bleeding since about september. he's finally been able to leave the hospital after 4 weeks just tuesday, and i've gone to CA twice to visit him. i will be praying for you and for your family!!

Crystal Joy said...

Hi there! My prayers are with you! I have been to this outreach before; senior year of college (2007)and my heart burns more and more as I think about joining on. My roommate and my self are wanting to get involved and come over for a month or so to work here with these women, any suggestions of where to start?