After all our hard work and prayers and waiting, Ghaith and I are actually coming home in just a few days! It's amazing really, that everything has worked out. God's hand has been in this every step of the way, and we will continue to ask for his help as we make our travels to the U.S. Our first flight goes to Bush International Airport in Houston Texas, where we will go through customs, be asked some questions (possibly more like be grilled) by immigration officials, and change planes. Of all places for an Iraqi to have to transfer upon his immigration to the U.S., we had to get an airport in Texas named after Bush! God's got a sense of humor!
Ghaith's nervous, of course, about moving to another new country... but more so, he is relieved to finally have a place to call home. It will be another big adjustment for him, but he's already been through this in 3 other countries, so I hope and pray for an easy transition for him. His family is thrilled about our plans, as they love me very much and are so happy Ghaith has me in his life. What a blessing to have their support.
Our last few weeks here in Amsterdam have been wonderful! I had my last few shifts with the Scharlaken Koord, we are taking the train around to visit friends for the last time, staying with the family I first came here to work for, having a great time with the kids, and buying some Dutch things we never had the money for until now.
We fly out on Tuesday, the 20th! Please pray for us as we make our travels… and hopefully we’ll be seeing you soon!
Love and blessings,
Tiffany & Ghaith
P.S. This picture was taken just after our appointment with the consulate, when Ghaith's visa application to the U.S. was approved. Look at those happy faces!
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