Ghaith and I arrived safely to Portland as scheduled last Tuesday, after 14 hours in flight and a two-hour interview process at immigrations in Houston. We arrived very tired in Portland, to an awaiting group of happy family and friends, even some from the Portland Arabic Christian Church. What a joyful time we all had together at the airport! Praise God for safe travels.
We are living with my grandma Carolyn in her cozy home. It’s clean, comfortable, and quiet here and Ghaith is feeling very much at home. We’ve been cooking and eating with Grandma for most meals, and they are enjoying getting to know one another. Ghaith met my father last week, a meeting that went much better than I imagined. My father Tim’s health has once again improved, after recently battling a number of internal organ infections in the hospital. He never ceases to amaze us! Although he hasn’t been speaking during his hospitalization and recovery process, he had a few words for Ghaith and I when we came for our first visit together. He smiled and told me he loved me, got teary-eyed several times, and laughed when he met Ghaith – his way of showing his joy. We are so thankful Tim has been able to hang onto life once again, so we can all be together and savor and enjoy what will probably be the last phase of his life.
We have been exploring different parts of the city by day, and catching up with friends in the evenings. Ghaith is wide-eyed and dazzled by the beauty of this place, and I am so happy that he is happy. We are seeing each other in a more natural and relaxed sense than we ever have before, and it is so wonderful!
On the downside, Ghaith has been sick with a bad sore throat. It started to get bad the day of our departure, and has become worse every day. It’s quite intense, and even keeping him from sleeping and eating now. We’re not medically insured yet, but I’ve found a clinic in Portland that accepts uninsured patients daily. We’ll go there today, and hope they can help.
Thanks you so much for your friendship. You don’t know how much you have meant to us over the past many months!
Blessings to you this day,
Ghaith & Tiffany