Monday, December 21, 2009

Settling into Portland

Ghaith and I have been back in the U.S. for two months now. I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas already! Although neither of us has been able to start work yet, we’ve been plenty busy.
It's been fun to explore the Northwest with Ghaith, and watch his delight as he discovers new joys in nature, food, and the people we are blessed to have in our lives. Mom and I took him up to Parkdale, close to Mt. Hood last month. There was about 4" of snow on the ground, the most snow Ghaith had ever seen! It was so fun watching him. He picked up on sneaky snowball throwing pretty fast :) As for Portland, he likes it well enough, but is eager for the rain to stop.

Ghaith isn't yet allowed to work here, and it could take another 3 or 4 months for the paperwork to process. That is, AFTER we've come up with the money to pay the fees for all that paperwork! Ghaith is the kind of man who NEEDS to provide for his family, and to have a place to spend his energy. We’ve signed him up for a gym membership, English classes, and eventually joining a soccer team. That should help! We've also been in regular contact with the Christian Arabic community here, via church, Bible study and social events - which has been really good for him/us. They are an incredibly supportive community.

I’ve got a job with Portland Public Schools in a Spanish immersion program again. This time I’ll cover for a maternity leave in a 2nd grade classroom. I’m looking forward to getting back into teaching, now that I’ve had such a long break. I’ve slowly gotten back into my work with Scarlet Cord here in Portland. It is so good to be back with our amazing colleagues, volunteers and guests.

Ghaith and I are both really happy to be living at my grandma's house with her. Grandpa died 2 years ago, and Grandma had been lonely, but not wanting to have just anyone live with her. She is calling us her answer to prayer, and she certainly is that for us too! Ghaith prefers to live with family, as that is the norm in his culture. We cook dinner and eat with her almost every night, I talk and pray with her lots, and Ghaith cleans and fixes things around the house w/o being asked. I’m learning how to cook Iraqi food, and Ghaith is learning how to load a dishwasher. ;) (He’s never used one before.) It's a pretty good situation for all!

Monday, October 26, 2009

We're Here!

Ghaith and I arrived safely to Portland as scheduled last Tuesday, after 14 hours in flight and a two-hour interview process at immigrations in Houston. We arrived very tired in Portland, to an awaiting group of happy family and friends, even some from the Portland Arabic Christian Church. What a joyful time we all had together at the airport! Praise God for safe travels.

We are living with my grandma Carolyn in her cozy home. It’s clean, comfortable, and quiet here and Ghaith is feeling very much at home. We’ve been cooking and eating with Grandma for most meals, and they are enjoying getting to know one another. Ghaith met my father last week, a meeting that went much better than I imagined. My father Tim’s health has once again improved, after recently battling a number of internal organ infections in the hospital. He never ceases to amaze us! Although he hasn’t been speaking during his hospitalization and recovery process, he had a few words for Ghaith and I when we came for our first visit together. He smiled and told me he loved me, got teary-eyed several times, and laughed when he met Ghaith – his way of showing his joy. We are so thankful Tim has been able to hang onto life once again, so we can all be together and savor and enjoy what will probably be the last phase of his life.

We have been exploring different parts of the city by day, and catching up with friends in the evenings. Ghaith is wide-eyed and dazzled by the beauty of this place, and I am so happy that he is happy. We are seeing each other in a more natural and relaxed sense than we ever have before, and it is so wonderful!

On the downside, Ghaith has been sick with a bad sore throat. It started to get bad the day of our departure, and has become worse every day. It’s quite intense, and even keeping him from sleeping and eating now. We’re not medically insured yet, but I’ve found a clinic in Portland that accepts uninsured patients daily. We’ll go there today, and hope they can help.

Thanks you so much for your friendship. You don’t know how much you have meant to us over the past many months!

Blessings to you this day,
Ghaith & Tiffany

Friday, October 16, 2009

Coming Home

After all our hard work and prayers and waiting, Ghaith and I are actually coming home in just a few days! It's amazing really, that everything has worked out. God's hand has been in this every step of the way, and we will continue to ask for his help as we make our travels to the U.S. Our first flight goes to Bush International Airport in Houston Texas, where we will go through customs, be asked some questions (possibly more like be grilled) by immigration officials, and change planes. Of all places for an Iraqi to have to transfer upon his immigration to the U.S., we had to get an airport in Texas named after Bush! God's got a sense of humor!

Ghaith's nervous, of course, about moving to another new country... but more so, he is relieved to finally have a place to call home. It will be another big adjustment for him, but he's already been through this in 3 other countries, so I hope and pray for an easy transition for him. His family is thrilled about our plans, as they love me very much and are so happy Ghaith has me in his life. What a blessing to have their support.

Our last few weeks here in Amsterdam have been wonderful! I had my last few shifts with the Scharlaken Koord, we are taking the train around to visit friends for the last time, staying with the family I first came here to work for, having a great time with the kids, and buying some Dutch things we never had the money for until now.

We fly out on Tuesday, the 20th! Please pray for us as we make our travels… and hopefully we’ll be seeing you soon!

Love and blessings,
Tiffany & Ghaith

P.S. This picture was taken just after our appointment with the consulate, when Ghaith's visa application to the U.S. was approved. Look at those happy faces!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Ghaith's interview was today. It went very well, and we were approved!!! If all goes well, we will be on our way home in a few weeks. Praise God for his amazing work in our lives! Thank you all for your prayers. God is so good.

~Tiffany & Ghaith

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We got a phone call from the U.S. Consulate this morning - it was the same grouchy lady I speak with every time I call there with one of my questions. She knows our case, knows my voice, and now knows me by name. She's never nice, usually rather snippy, and in a hurry to answer my nuisance of questions and end the phone call. That same lady woke me up today with a friendly, chipper "Goodmorning Tiffany, your fiance's case is ready and you can come together for his interview on Thursday." Um...what?? You're being nice to me? And his rescheduled interview date is in just TWO days?

Yeah... God is good! Thank you all for your prayers. Powerful! Now just continue to pray for his interview. It will be at 1:30pm on Thursday the 17th... which will be 4:30am Portland time.

Tiffany & Ghaith

Monday, September 14, 2009

False alarm! Further lab tests this week have shown that Ghaith is perfectly healthy and we have nothing to worry about. Next step, interview with the U.S. Consulate. Woo hoo and praise the Lord!

~Tiffany & Ghaith

Friday, September 11, 2009

We woke up today, excited because it's Friday, which means there's only the weekend between us and Ghaith's interview for his visa. We got some bad news though. Ghaith's blood test for the consulate came back irregular for some reason, so they have to do more tests... which means we have to pay more money, and worse, they've canceled his interview for Monday. We will have to reschedule, but not until the blood tests can prove he doesn't have some serious illness. The doctor says Ghaith is probably fine, but the consulate needs tests to prove it.

Ghaith is pretty upset about this, as am I, and now we are worrying about his health. We are trying to stay calm, and trust the Lord's hand in this situation. The test results should be ready on Tuesday next week, and if they are good, we can reschedule with the consulate. At this point, we don't know how much longer we'll have to wait for a new appointment.

Please be in prayer for us as we wait.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Brothel as a Pulpit?!

I witnessed the most amazing conversation while I was on outreach with my partner from Scharlaken Koord a few weeks ago. (If you’d rather not read the back-story, you can scroll down to “The Conversation”, which in and of itself is quite an amazing story.)

I was so happy when my partner told me I could choose the area we would go in the Red Light District that evening. I’ve been volunteering with this organization for 9 months now, and I realized in my partner’s giving me the responsibility to choose our route for the evening, that I’ve earned the trust of my more seasoned colleagues. I knew exactly where I wanted to go – to an area on the outskirts of the district, the area where Ghaith used to work in a small hostel. He and I walked those streets many times during the 6 months he worked in the area. I would often pray silently over the women as we walked. I was even blessed to have developed trust and a friendship with Maria (of Bulgaria), who worked the day shift at the brothel next to Ghaith’s hostel. I have yet to write about that development, which was so inspiring to be a part of. So, choosing to go to that familiar area with my partner meant I’d have a chance to look for Maria, Rita, and a few other ladies I’d connected with earlier in the year. I have prayed for those women specifically over the months while I was back home in Portland, and then this summer while I took a month off for my mom’s visit to The Netherlands, my wedding, and honeymoon.

So my partner and I set out for the Spuistraat in hopes of finding a few familiar faces. We spoke with quite a few girls from Hungary, as well as Bulgaria, Poland, Holland, and Columbia. When we turned the corner of Rita’s street, I was hopeful to find her in her window and unoccupied. Sure enough, there she was, beautiful as ever. Rita is the Nigerian Christian I wrote about back in February. She has a strength and radiance about her that I don’t see in most of the women working the windows in Amsterdam. Her deep brown skin is flawless, her shoulders and arms strong, her teeth bright, and her eyes sparkle and shine – even when speaking of the pain and turmoil that is often her life.

Rita looked happy to open the door when my partner and I approached her. As my partner introduced us, and the organization we represent, it was obvious that Rita didn’t remember me… but I remembered her. I told Rita I’d met her before, asked how her son (7 yrs) is doing, and if they’d made the trip to Nigeria this summer as planned. She, looking pleasantly surprised, answered my questions and complimented my good memory. I told her there are a few people praying for her back in the U.S., and that I have continued to pray for her since we met earlier in the year. She thanked me deeply. I asked if she was doing o.k., and if there was anything she needed. She said, “Just keep prayin’ for me.”

As we continued our conversation, a man approached the three of us. He was average in height, almost bald on top, wearing wire-rimmed glasses, conservatively dressed in slacks, shirt and tie, carrying a briefcase, and speaking to my partner in Dutch. When he realized I didn’t understand Dutch, he switched to English and introduced himself as Mijael (Michael). The following conversation transpired that evening while standing in the doorway to Rita’s brothel room, mostly between Rita and Mijael.

The Conversation:

Mijael to my partner and I: Can I ask what you are doing here on this street, talking with this lady?

My partner: Well we’re here from the Scharlaken Koord. It’s an organization that helps the women in the Red Light District.

Mijael: And I supposed you’re a religious organization?

My partner: Yes we are. We’re a Christian organization and all of our volunteers and employees are Christian as well.

Mijael: Do you force your beliefs on others?

My partner: No, we don’t force anything on anyone.

Mijael: Well that’s good, because I’ve had things forced on me from girls like you before.

My partner: I’m sorry to hear that.

Mijael (in an annoyed tone): Yeah, this group of Christian girls approached me one night a few months ago, asking what I was doing on this street. I told them I walk these streets every day. They asked why, and I told them the truth. I like to look at the women.

Mijael (Looking at Rita): I must have walked this street 50 or 100 times over. I know every face. I know your face. I know your body, but I’ve only ever looked at you. I’m sorry I’ve never stopped by your window. I hope you’re not offended.

Rita: Please. Me? Offended? I don’t care if you visit me or not.

Mijael (looking surprised): Oh, o.k. So these girls that were questioning me asked if they could pray for me. I said sure, then they surrounded me. There were like 10 of them standing in a circle around me. It was strange and a little intimidating. Then they started to pray for me. They prayed things I didn’t ask them to pray, or want for my life. They prayed that I would stop visiting the women, that I would repent from my sin, that God would forgive me, and that I would turn to God for love. They said only God can fill my heart the way I need. I didn’t like that they prayed those things for me, things I don’t need – especially in front of so many people on the street. I was so embarrassed by the whole thing. I even felt angry with them. I don’t need what they say I need. I’m fine the way I am.

Rita: Well why are you still talking about it then? It must have meant something to you, what those girls said, otherwise you wouldn’t still be thinking and talking about it.

Mijael: Hmmm…

Rita: You need God.

Mijael: Excuse me?

Rita: That’s right. You need God! This place is nothing but a bunch of lies and emptiness. You won’t find what you’re looking for here. You look at the women, you do what you do with them, and you are still empty. It’s all B.S. No love, just emptiness.

Mijael (after a few moments in thought): You know, it’s like I can’t get enough. I come here because I’m hungry. I have hormones, you know? I can’t ignore that. I’m only human. But it’s so strange because when I come here, I get what I want, I feel satisfied, I go home and I feel hungry again an hour later. It’s like I can never get enough. I’m hungry all the time. It never goes away. My appetite is insatiable. It’s a vicious cycle. I just keep coming because I don’t know what else to do.

Rita: I’m telling you, you need to go to God! Only He can give you what you need, in your heart. These women can’t give you what you need.

Mijael: I can’t believe this. YOU, a prostitute, are telling me that I need God? Isn’t that a little bad for business? You provide a service I’m willing to pay for. You need to make money don’t you? You need my money. How can it be that YOU are telling ME to go somewhere else for what I would come to you for?

Rita: I don’t need your money! YOU need God. I’m telling you. You won’t find what you’re looking for here. Go to God. He can help you. He’s the only one that can help you. I see you. You are sad. You are lonely. We all are without God. You can come here and feel comfort for a few minutes, but if you go to God, you will never be lonely.

Mijael: And YOU believe this? I can’t believe that a woman on this street believes in God, and would turn away business if it meant turning someone toward Him. I just can’t believe it.

What an amazing conversation to witness! Mijael displayed such raw honesty and vulnerability... and Rita sounded like she could have been speaking from the pulpit! If you are moved, please lift up Rita and Mijael in prayer.

Rita is a believer who continues to work in prostitution. She says she prays every day on her way to work, for God’s protection and Jesus’ forgiveness. She doesn’t see another way to earn a living for herself and her little boy. I pray that she will truly trust in God, that she can leave this work that she hates every minute of, and that she comes to see that God will provide for her needs no matter what.

I pray for Mijael that he will continue to open his mind and heart toward God, and that he will in turn trust God to fill that aching, insatiable desire in his heart.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Update: concert on the water, praises and prayers for Ghaith's interview

I’ve really enjoyed this beautiful summer in Amsterdam. What an amazing and interesting city she is! Just yesterday, after our Saturday afternoon chores of grocery shopping, laundry and cleaning, we ventured out for some fresh air. As is often the case, we didn’t know exactly what we were looking for, but trusted that Amsterdam had plenty to offer. As we biked through streets and over canal bridges, we arrived at the widest canal, the Prinsengracht, to find hoards of people, bikes and strollers heading in the same direction. Ghaith and I joined in to see what could be drawing such a big crowd. A few bridges down, we arrived at the center of all the attention; a huge platform stage and lights set up, right on the water! The stage was completely surrounded by boats, for as far as they eye could see in either direction. The streets lining both sides were also covered with people sitting on the ground, in folding chairs, windows and rooftops. We asked around and found out there would be a classical concert that night on the water. We found a most perfect sitting spot between a full bike rack and the edge near the water, next to a boat full of friendly gay men who passed around tray after tray of tasty gourmet treats – each time finishing off the round by passing the tray to Ghaith and I. The concert started around 8 o’clock with a beautiful section played on piano and violin, followed by other sorts of instruments and composers. It was a lovely time. At 9 o’clock, I was surprised to see and hear an opera singer join in. Opera! I’ve wanted to go to the opera most of my life, and was overjoyed that my first chance was now! What an amazing way to spend a random evening out in the city.

As the days have passed by, some achingly slow, others zipping by in a blink, I have also been missing the summertime in Portland. Native Portlander that I am, I look forward to the wonderful Northwest summers all year. I’ve been aching for a hike in the Gorge, huckleberries picked ripe and fresh from the Mount Hood wilderness, a decent into the sacred _____ River for a cold dip (to protect the tranquility of it, I will not disclose the name of my favorite summer swimming place ;), Grandma’s blackberry cobbler served warm with vanilla ice cream, sprinkler parties with the girls, drum and guitar sessions on the porch with friends, cool evening walks through Laurelhurst Park with my father, a nice bike ride around the Esplanade. There is so much I’ve been missing, and telling Ghaith about as the memories and longings come. I can’t wait to share it all with him!

We’ve been waiting here in Amsterdam to receive Ghaith’s interview date at the U.S. Consulate. A few days ago, we received notification that his interview will be on September 14th. At this interview, a large piece of our fate as a married couple will be decided, as the consular officer will tell us if Ghaith will be given a visa to immigrate to the U.S. If they say yes (and they have no reason not to), we could be home in Portland within a few days after. My best friend’s wedding is just 4 days after Ghaith’s interview. It may be hopelessly optimistic of me, but I am praying the Lord will make it possible for us to be there, so I can stand next to my dear friend on her big day.

Please pray with Ghaith and I for his interview.
*We pray he will have favor in the eyes of those working on his case.
*We pray he will go in that room with confidence.
*We pray for fairness in the decisions made.
*We pray the Lord will make the path for us to come home.

Thank you so much for your prayers,
Tiffany & Ghaith
غيث يتفن

And a big praise and thanks to God, I have been offered a job for the month working with kids in an afterschool program. The director is able to pay me as a volunteer (to avoid paperwork and visa issues), and Ghaith can come too. They are a very difficult group of kids, but we thank God for the chance to earn some money. We’ve had so much fun working together. I do arts and crafts and Ghaith plays soccer with the kids. It is so nice to have a little money coming in. I got to splurge yesterday and buy myself some soy ice cream – expensive and difficult to find. NOW it feels like summer. ☺

Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update, Aug 14

Hello to all,

It was a beautiful Friday evening and I was full of confidence that it was going to be another amazing night! The volunteers for the evening were Cindy, Sandy, Vania, and Muna. As Sandy does every week she brought in delicious bread from Panera Bakery-thank you!

The meal was provided by our wonder women (as Raelene has appropriately named them) Carol, Caroline and Arlene-I should credit the husbands for the grilling also. I just need to take a moment to stop and say how much I appreciate their service to is such a ministry to cook for another and for that matter a whole group. I so look forward to coming in knowing that the food is prepared for us and not only prepared but thoughtfully put together to appeal to the eye as well as the stomacheThe The food was delicious....grilled chicken with Teriaki sauce or Sweet chili sauce from Trader Joe's (thanks for the tip on the sauce by the way-I had to go buy some the next day!), grilled veggie kabobs, rice, and fruit kabobs! For dessert it was homemade cheesecake topped with took me back to my childhood-tasted just like mom's-we all thoroughly enjoyed it!

As our dinner was arriving a car pulled up and I was wondering who could that be....out stepped beautiful Elisa! She brought gifts from her dad that had been saved to pass out to our SC guests! She told us she was headed back to WA to be with her mom for her parents 46th Anniversary. It was so good to see her....please continue to keep her in your thoughts/prayers as she heads back to teaching and life after her dad's tragic passing. We love you sister!

D arrived early and in good spirits. She brought magazine topics and Italian plums from her yard to share. She did express concern over her daughter D who was arrested for theft. As time passed H came! She is learning more and more English! She gladly took some hygiene and clothing items....we gave her a teddy bear and as she held it snuggled in her arms she asked Sandy..."Is this for me!? Thank I have something to hold at night." It just makes me smile to think of it! As we were winding down D & C came in full of hugs and love! C asked for an app for her mom who wants to be a part of SC in every way possible! She is so excited about what we are doing...and I just say thank you again ladies! It is grace and love that we desire to put into the neighborhood and this is one more confirmation that you are putting it out there!

Love to all,

Monday, August 17, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update, August 7

Hello to all. Tonight, of course was amazing. Is it ever not?!!! Let's start with the food. Raelene, bless her heart, brought in an AMAZING enchilada dish that really, truly was to die for. It was perfect! We also had some fabulous fruit and some scrumptious green beans cooked in butter, salt and pepper. mmmm. We also enjoyed some great homemade chocolate chip cookies as well as ice cream with strawberries. I think I eat better at Scarlet Cord than at any other time during the week!

Our lovely and wonderful volunteers for the night included Esther P., Katie, Elmelia, Christina and myself. We didn't end up having a street team because a few of us were late and as soon as our doors opened we immediately had guests waiting to come in! We didn't even have time to form a street team. But tonight we didn't need one, there were just as many guests as volunteers! For the first time, T and R came. T works at a local motel and heard about us through some of our other guests. Her and R came to "check it out to see what it's all about" and stayed most of the night! T seems like she's been in the neighborhood for a while but it seems that R is pretty new. Those two ladies are so sweet. They are very talkative and we had a great time with them. R is a hoot! We had a great time laughing together. A bit later, H came in to eat and to get some hygiene products. She was very friendly and everyone had a great time. She left shortly after eating. Just as T and R were leaving, D and her daughter D came in. It was really great to see D with her daughter. They have had a tumultuous past and her relationship with her is discussed often at SC. D's past came up and it was great to see her daughter join the discussion in such an endearing way. She spoke so kindly about her mother and defended her (against society) in such a sweet way. D (the daughter) didn't stay too long but told her mother she loved her and gave her a huge hug before she left and told us all she would probably be back next week. It was really great to see! From the moment we opened our doors to the moment we closed the walls of SC were filled with guests, love laughter and encouragement. Again, what a great night!!!

After we got all cleaned up I had a chance to talk with the rest of the volunteers for a few minutes. I shared with them something that's been weighing on my heart lately and it was so great to be supported by them. I truly feel that SC is my community and the women in SC are my sisters. I know they will be there for me and that they care about me. It is a fellowship of women with Christ in the center. It's beautiful!

Every moment of tonight is something to be thankful for. I am glad for the love, friendship, and grace that can only come through Christ.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Big News & Big Needs

My mom recently made the long journey to Amsterdam for a 2-week visit. It was her first time out of the United States! She braved the airports and flights and customs checks all by herself, to be here with me, tour around the Netherlands, and play a special role in a special event - my wedding! For those of you who don't know, I got married last week. His name is Ghaith and we met in March of 2008 when I was here in Amsterdam scouting potential ministries to get involved with. God had more in store for me than I knew at the time… and what a gift Ghaith is in my life! God has been doing an amazing work for us as a couple, and I am excited to share more about our story here on this blog in the coming weeks as I have time to write and post.

Take a look below, and you will find a slideshow of some of our wedding photos. Our friend’s talented photographer nephew generously offered to do a photo shoot with us, for an incredibly low price. Ghaith’s seamstress mom made my dress (by my design and Ghaith’s measurements) and sent it to us in the mail. To our amazement it fit perfectly! Those are just two of the wonderful blessings the Lord gave us in preparation for our special day.

Considering all that the Lord has done to make our relationship and marriage possible, we trust that He will get us through our next set of challenges. Ghaith is here as a refugee from Iraq. I am here as a missionary, still volunteering with the Scharlaken Koord, a prostitution outreach ministry and re-integration program. Neither of us have permission to obtain a residence permit in this country, and therefore are not allowed to hold jobs. We have been living, eating, and getting by thanks to the grace of God, but we are in serious need of help at this point. I have applied for a visa for Ghaith to immigrate to the U.S. The process is long and complex. We have an attorney who is working on our behalf in the states, and we are now waiting for Ghaith to receive an interview with the American Consulate here in Amsterdam. As far as we know, we could be waiting for another 3-4 months, or longer if complications arise.

We need your support during this time of waiting. We have been looking for odd jobs and ways to earn a little money here and there – not easy thus far. We have assistance from an organization here in the city. They are helping us to have groceries each week, thank God! Still, we have rent to pay and I have bills back home, which I have managed to reduce to a monthly total of $200. Somehow, God has made sure they’ve been paid each month this year. Now that I am needing to stay a bit longer in Amsterdam than expected, I don’t know how these bills will be paid.

We need your prayers and those of you who are willing/able to make a financial contribution, please let me know. There is information below about options for making donations.

Please pray that the Lord will:
*Provide for all our needs here
*Make a way for my bills back home to be paid
*Make a way for me to stay here legally for the next few months
*Open the doors for Ghaith to immigrate to the U.S.

Thank you all for your support,
Tiffany & Ghaith

Mom visits Holland!

Mom's visit to Holland

Financial gifts

This is a reminder for those interested in making a financial donation to me while volunteering here in Amsterdam. You have several options:

1. Send a check written to Tiffany George to my P.O. Box in Portland, and my mother will deposit it into my bank account. Address:
P.O. Box 90143
Portland, OR 97290

2. Go to any OnPoint Community Credit Union and make a deposit by giving them my name and account number. Just email me for the account number (

3. Make a paypal deposit using my email address ( from your paypal account to mine. This is quick, secure and easy and can be done at .

Sunday, July 5, 2009

June '09

God is so good

I have been really sick for the past 3 days. I’ve had a fever on and off, migraine-like headaches, chills, achy muscles, stomach cramping and other such nasty, painful symptoms, all while my body was somehow unable to sweat or cool down without a cold shower or damp rags. I have no medical insurance, or money in the bank, so I had been hoping I could ride whatever this was out, but when day 3 came and I was still in a feverish condition, and the headache at its worst, Ghaith and I decided it was time to go to the hospital. We looked for one on our detailed Amsterdam map. The only way for us to get there was to ride our bikes.

So, fever and all, I weakly mounted my bike and we began the slow journey to St. Lucas Hospital. I was worried about money. An uninsured emergency room visit can be very expensive. As I pedaled I prayed, God please make a way. Please let them have mercy on me in my situation and please provide a way for this to be paid for.

In the emergency room we were told, “We’d like to see you, but we cannot help you if you have no money.” We weren’t giving up that easily. I called Ghaith’s social worker and she spoke with the emergency room receptionist. While they spoke, I went to sit down on one of their stiff waiting room chairs. Ghaith sat next to me and a young Brazilian couple, also waiting, came to ask us how much money the hospital wanted from us. We told them, and they offered to pay the entire fee! Just then, the receptionist came and said the hospital would cover the fee, and the doctor would be with us shortly. Praise God! We told the young couple that we wouldn’t need their help, and thanked them for their kindness.

We had to wait quite a bit longer, and while we were waiting another couple, this time Iraqi, asked Ghaith about our situation and offered money if we were in need. We humbly and thankfully declined their offer too. There was another Arab family waiting later, who had two young children. The younger one, a boy of about 4 years, was playing with some toys on the floor, but he seemed more concerned about me than his toys. He kept giving me these curious, worried, empathetic looks. He was so sweet. After that, Ghaith’s cell phone rang. It was his mom calling from Iraq. She asked if everything was ok, saying she had a strange feeling about us. When I heard that, I realized just how much God was watching out for me, and I felt so loved and cared for. I couldn’t help letting a few tears roll.

It turns out I was first hit by heat exhaustion, and then food poisoning. I had been out walking the streets of Amsterdam all day with a few friends who’d come to town for the day. It was the hottest day so far this year. I didn’t wear sunblock or a hat, and we walked around most of the day, stopping little for water or nourishing food. (That’s how I got the heat exhaustion.) We finally stopped for dinner in the evening. I ordered salmon. It had a strange texture, like maybe it was bad or undercooked, but I was so exhausted and hungry that I ate it anyway. (That’s how I got the food poisoning.)

I write this not for sympathy, but to show how good God is. I don’t presently have the funds for health insurance, but God always makes a way. He always cares for me, as I faithfully seek him for everything I need. Alla karim (God provides).

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update, June 8th

It was another fabulous evening at Scarlet Cord! The volunteers for the evening were Sandy, Raelene, Elisa, Emily, Elmelia and Muna. Elisa, Emily and I (Raelene) stayed in and enjoyed the fabulous, amazing, to die for, Thai food complete with shrimp spring rolls with peanut sauce, Spicy Chicken and rice, fruit salad (papaya, pineapple, kiwi, and grapes), marinated cucumber/tomato salad, juice, coconut macaroons, and peanut butter chocolate rice crispy bon-bons or as Elisa said "jingle balls because I only make them at Christmas" and mango sorbet brought to us by our favorite super-heroines the wonder-women (Carol, Caroline, and Arlene). Sandy brought in wonderful bread and pastries from the bakery. It was so amazing we all bee lined straight to the kitchen to sample all!

We had a good amount of time to talk, catch-up and encourage each other in the slow progress that Scarlet Cord is making. D joined us a little late and especially enjoyed the fresh fruit and vegetables. Later C and her daughter J came in, they had met the street team in the laundry-mat. This was C and J's first time coming and they accepted clothes, products and more. C told us about her three other children and her niece who has seizures and came to the US from Kashmir (I think) so that she could receive medical attention. Her niece is only 9 years old but with medication only has seizures a couple times a month now.

The street team: Elmelia, Sandy, and Muna headed out in the drizzle with smiles on. We met some young girls with a baby and had a great conversation. We stopped at Maddies and found K (the gal that works there) saving the runt of a litter of kitties....she had just given it a bath and wrapped it in a heated washcloth and it looked like Yoda! After leaving Yoda with some SC love we headed up the street. We met a few women as we headed up Sandy but the streets were mostly quiet. We posted flyers in telephone booths as the weather did not permit us to hang them elsewhere. We headed back down the street between Prescott and Sandy but all was quiet. We arrived back and feasted (for the 2nd time)! Right about then C/J came in-that right there is just what fills my heart after walking on the streets-someone coming in-that is why we head out every week-to see a woman or women in need walk through our doors into a room of women with open, loving hearts! I think they will be back!

One thing that is common on Friday nights is that volunteers ask what we need (conditioner, coffee, tin foil, etc). Muna and I thought we would try to provide a short list each week. If you feel inclined feel free to purchase and bring any of these items with you the next time you are at SC. If you are not inclined or can't afford it we so appreciate your sacrifice of time and energy that you already give to SC.

You are always welcomed and encouraged to bring Tupperware type containers to help divide up any leftovers between volunteers.

Raelene Garrison & Muna Hicks

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update, May 22nd

Dear Scarlet Cord Community,

We had an excellent night of service and growing in friendship. Our team included Bekah, Cheryl (and Greg along with our special little guests who made a brief appearance to bring dinner), Bailey, Sherry, Jen, Sandy, Cameron, Muna, and Carrie (myself). When I arrived, the team had already set-up our wonderful cafe/sitting area - you are so timely! Then the Dillon family arrived with 4 dinner courses! The Dillon's' eldest two children even helped to carry in the food. What great family team work. Dinner was an elaborate Thai theme, complimented by Jen's dressed asparagus, a beautiful fresh fruit spread from Bailey, and home-made strawberry-rhubarb pie from Cheryl. In case your curiosity is too strong, I'll list the names of the Thai dishes: Pineapple Ginger Soup, Shrimp and Chinese Broccoli, Stir Fry Beans and Cauliflower, and Seafood Soup. I hope everyone sampled as much of this meal as I did!

We welcomed a new security guard (Dan) to SC. He was on time and courteous. I think he is going to be perfect.

In preparation for the night, we had a lively discussion about some 'street team hot topics'. I know there will be more discussion at our upcoming All-Volunteer Meeting 6/14/09. I highly encourage you to bring your questions regarding SC guidelines and policies to any Friday meeting, or contact a leader via email. Our team had a very healthy talk, which I believe will make us increasingly united. Thank you to those who had the courage to raise their questions and to respectfully discuss the ideas.

In the end, Cheryl, Bekah, and I decided to remain as the home team. We reviewed the instructions for the 4 Thai delicacies and enjoyed the company of D, who arrived not long after the street teams departed. D educated us on the latest news of singer, Eminem and imbibed the delicious soups. She appeared completely at ease and had a countenance of one whose needs were met in the moment she realized them. As the evening continued, Cheryl began to feel ill and it was our pleasure to also serve her. Cheryl diligently served even while 6-7 months pregnant! We send our thanks and warm regards to her, hoping that she feels better.

The street team split into two groups, with Jen & Sandy staying on Sandy Blvd. while Bailey, Sherry, Cameron, and I (Muna) headed to 82nd Ave. Jen and Sandy were very heroic in calling 911 to help a gentleman in distress. They were able to talk with some potential guests as well as visiting the regular community businesses. The remaining team members were able to head to some new establishments and had flyers hanging up from the previous week! That is exciting!! We were greeted warmly by almost everyone we came across. We did talk to one woman who was very interested in coming....we hope to see her there soon. We made a quick stop by the the 3 lingerie shops as we headed back to have some delicious dinner. We were able to give D some more lotion that helps with her daughter's eczema. She is usually there alone which is concerning-we told her to stay safe or as safe as possible.

All in all it was a lovely evening!

Carrie & Muna

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update, May 15th

Dear Friends,

Another beautiful “summer evening” in the spring spent at SC. I pulled up to the back parking lot to see the first wonderful surprise of the night….Sandy setting up a small weber that she brought to BBQ burgers! For the main dish, Sandy brought hamburgers to BBQ with all the “fixins”, and so we spent some time enjoying the great outdoors and the wonderful scent of a real BBQ. What a treat!

The volunteers tonight were Christina, Melissa aka Lissa, Esther P (thanks birdie-girl for coming extra!), Muna, Sandy, and myself (Carol). Dinner consisted of an awesome raspberry cobbler made by Christina, crisp green salad from Lissa, a big and juicy seedless watermelon (yeah! Summer is a comin’), roasted potatoes with rosemary, and of course huge hamburgers with all the trimmings! We eat so well…

As Muna, Lissa, and Esther headed out to the street, D had long been chatting it up with us already. She was at another “green” event and came with new brochures, etc for us to enjoy. She didn’t sleep that day, so commented she would love to take a nap before work. Isn’t it great that “our place” has those huge, wonderful, comfy couches? It is so great to see her so at home with us. We decided to just let her rest and Sandy, Christina and I headed out to yap it up around the BBQ (like men do, but with a female twist…no wonder they like to congregate around the BBQ, it’s rather enjoyable)…but not before Christina got a blanket from her car and laid it over the resting D. When I came back in tip-toeing to get something, there she was sleeping soundly with a yellow blanket wrapped all around her….it was so sweet. While we enjoyed the beautiful sunshine outside around the “barby” Sandy shared that she had touched base with S and that S promised to come tonight. We were hopeful to see her again. We finally went back in to wake D up and have dinner together…and just as we were finishing…who comes walking down the ramp with all her usual style and charisma….S! It was so wonderful to see her again…and she looked like she was in a better place than last time she was here. This time she brought Beyonce (the singer for all of you “not in the know”…which was technically me before last Friday) and we chatted it up like old times with the music going.

The street team was Esther P, Melissa, and Muna. It was a beautiful evening as we headed to 82nd/Powell area. We also stopped at the Max on 82nd and came across some women who were very appreciative of our lotion/flyer. The police in the area confirmed that the area we were headed to was a hot spot. We stopped at a few establishments and were also warmly welcomed. We stopped at one lingerie shop and the lady thought we were advertising for a "Romance" party so she gave us a front row spot for our flyers! I think God has a wonderful sense of humor!

When the street team came back, there were more shouts of joy at seeing S again. It felt like one of those rare family reunions you actually want to attend and be a part of!

So many things to be thankful for…so many blessings that have occurred at SC this past year…..and so many, many wonderful people! Thank you everyone for continuing to pray, lift good thoughts for us, and being a part of this crazy and wonderful family!

Muna and Carol

PS. Welcome back Katie who has been away in S. America for the past couple of months! And welcome back Misty who has was swallowed by school the past couple of months! It will be so great to see you two sisters again!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update, May 1st

Dear Friends,

I was driving home from SC tonight and literally almost burst into tears just from sheer joy. I was so grateful to be in the company of the other volunteers tonight: Sara (she's back from the land of 1040's and it was so wonderful to see you again...we should sooo go for a hike, Muna (your strength and what you're capable of totally amazes me more and more every week...seriously, will you marry me?), Raelene (you make my sides split from laughing, you are total medicine for the heart), Vania (you just emanate warmth and kindness and I swear your eyes literally twinkle), Tiffany ("Mrs. Al-to be" heart saddens to see you go away again but so, so, so, so, so happy for what is in store in the next few months as you become a wife to a fantastic man...gosh, look out world for this couple!), and our new volunteer Sherry (I am pretty sure you've been a part of our group for a long time already, you're a "kindred spirit" and soul sister without a doubt). I am so, so, so thankful to God for bringing all these women into my life...I just feel so blessed to be part of this group.

Which leads me to something else I'm thankful for: food, I mean really, really, really good food. I am pretty sure that when God made women, he/she gave us women the love and appreciation for food on purpose. Granted, that can become a very painful place for a lot of women and a lifelong struggle, but it can also be a thing of beauty utterly appreciated for the "sensual pleasures" it brings, a place for incredible artistic expression and creative genius. So that is the segway into the discussion of our dinner tonight and a pathetic one that doesn't do any justice. First, our other new volunteers Caroline, Carol, and Arlene who made our dinner: I just want you all to know that eating your meal literally made my heart sing and I felt like I was eating at Portland's finest restaurant (Gabriel Rucker, you've got nothing on Caroline and my two aunts!). I knew that you all spent time together creating this incredible meal as friends and as sisters (literally!) laughing and sharing...I could feel that "time" you put into it. I know without a doubt that food had blessings heaped upon it by the hearts that did the stirring, the chopping, the roasting, the sautéing, etc...and prayers were given during the creation of it. So, when I ate the food tonight, it was such an experience to partake of this phenomenal meal...I wasn't just eating food, I was being filled with blessing after blessing. It was, without trying to use a cliché, absolute soul food. The salad was spinach, with feta, oranges, dried cranberries (if my memory is right?), and a dressing that was like a citrus vinaigrette partnered with some pizzazz of red onion. Then there were steamed green beans with a lemon dressing....oh my word. Next, we had quinoa with glazed pecans, dried cherries (or cranberries...there was an orange flavor there too). For the main course there was herb crusted roast pork cooked to absolute perfection...moist, and tender.......and served with herbed gravy (real gravy...gravy makes me giggle with delight). For dessert, we had lemon bars and chocolate bars with I believe a cream cheese frosting....AND chocolate covered strawberries. Folks...everything was homemade and from scratch. It was enough to send a person into nirvana. They also brought a mango blend juice and I think there was one more kind that I cannot remember. It was a gastronomic experience......just imagine someone coming in from a sad place in their life and partaking of something that not only was out of this world smashing, but was created with such devotion and love? What a way to spread some love!

How does one describe a Friday night at Scarlet Cord......sisterhood! It is so amazing to see women loving and caring as it was meant to be. As Carol mentioned each woman is so dear it is so fun to see each other after a time away and catch up....and Carol (calm and always seeing the strength in others-your words are poetry-more food for the soul). Sandy (looking stunning in her lil' black dress) dropped off bread on her way to see the graduates from Shepherd's Door-another ministry that helps women. Thank you Sandy for stopping even though you did not have time because it turned out to be a connection we were able to make later that evening.

We quickly set up and what was to be a quick moment to work out the plan for the evening turned into a story of romance, which we were all on the edge of our seats eating up every detail. The story wrapped up and the street team headed out (Carol, Vania, Sherry, and Muna) to hit the clubs and lingerie shops. The sights, sounds, and smells of spring were all around us and we ENJOYED every moment of it.
We stopped at one of the "shops" that we have not always been warmly greeted at-every time we stop they are just a little more soft, friendly, and open to us! They even asked how we were doing! It We were able to have conversation with a few girls-talk mostly revolved around slow business and swine flu. At two different spots the gals talked about using some of our "gifts" for their children....what a blessing to think of a little girl running around with her own little purse or a child that is experiencing relief from some of the lotion that was so generously donated to SC! We talked with D and she was hoping to come by some Friday when she was not left alone to grab some bread...we told her we would bring some next week but as we finished off the rounds we make a quick trip back to grab some bread and bring it back to her. Please keep her (and others that may be left alone in the businesses) in your thoughts and/or prayers. It is good to see how we are continuing to build bridges...the girls and men in some cases know who we are and they are keeping doors wide open!
Tiffany, Raelene, and Sara stayed in our cozy Friday night abode to welcome the guests. D was our only guest for the evening but what a fine meal she received! D has been getting back together (in her words they "might be working things out") with her ex-husband and is excited and scared at the same time. She also mentioned it was her birthday next week and she was hoping that her children would be taking her out to dinner next Friday. She was concerned that we know why she was absent-she knew we would be worried! I love to see the change in her....when she first came she hardly cracked a smile but now she smiles often!
When we got back from the streets everyone was relaxing at the couch. Tiffany got up to help serve plates to the street team.....It has been a true joy to get to know your sweet quiet spirit and I am sad that you are leaving but when I see the sparkle in your eye about returning to see your love-well you can hardly be sad when you see that and I am glad it will just be for a season! I echo Carol's sentiments as to the meal as it was AMAZING! It was a moment of refuge and I think we all just wanted to linger around and continue conversation....just like a family gathering-our family of sisters!

Much love Carol, Raelene, and Muna

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update, Apr 24th

Dear Friends,

Last night was another great night at Scarlet Cord. We had a great group of volunteers: Elisa, Raelene, Cindy, myself, and first time volunteer, Melissa. Thanks for coming Melissa, we are glad to have you! Raelene's husband made a fantastic pasta sauce that was to die for! Melissa brought in some yummy veggies from New Seasons. They were perfect and oh so good! Sandy couldn't make it last night but was sweet enough to send her daughter down with the salad. Thanks Sandy! I brought in some dried apricots and cranberries and Cindy topped off dinner with some chocolate and vanilla ice cream. It was a perfect day for ice cream!

Elisa, Melissa and I went out on the street team and had some great conversations. We met N who had heard of and raved about Rahab's Sisters. She was really excited to know that SC is around. She was very sweet. She told us that she is so thankful for what we do and that "we are such a blessing to so many women." We hope to see her at SC soon. We met many other women who were very excited for the lotions we pass out with the fliers. It's always nice to see their faces light up when we ask them if we can invite them to dinner. We also just recently included an invitation on Spanish on the other side of our fliers. This came in handy with a woman that we met up with. Elisa and I were able to talk with her and she was thankful for the lotions. We stopped by one of our usual motels and were greeted nicely by the manager, B. He took some fliers and we even gave him one of the lotions. He thought that was nice. We had a nice chat with S in one of the lingerie shows we stop by and she was excited to see her "Friday Night Girls." Also, we were quickly greeted at one of the shows that rarely opens their door to us. The woman took some fliers and said thank you with a smile before she ducked back in. Next door, we had a fabulous greeting. As we were walking up, two of the ladies gave us enthusiastic waves and smiles out the window. The kind of greeting you would give to your neighbor. It was wonderful. We went in and had a nice chat with B who we had never met before. She said, "My name is B. That's my real name." I told her that Amanda was my real name too and we all had a good laugh. She was really excited about the idea of coming to dinner. We told her what we were about and she was touched to hear about women who just want to support other women. She was worried that there may be guys waiting there. She was glad to hear that we have a security guard outside and said she sometimes just needs a break from the guys. She gave me a huge hug. I told her that we would be back next week to talk and she told us to come in whenever and to tell everyone that "I" (her stage name) said we could come in any time. I love that the love of SC doesn't just happen inside the SC doors. It extends out into the community. We have relationships with the motel managers, the mini-mart owners and even the police. Love and friendship is shared inside SC, on the streets and in the shops and clubs. I am really glad to be a part of the community and I love my neighbors!

Back at home, Raelene and Cindy greeted Diane. Diane brought in a newsletter from her work because they wrote a little success story section and she was in it. She was really proud and left a few copies for us. I posted one of them in the back closet so we should all take a look when we get a chance. Raelene gave her a haircut and she looks great! We even found a sweater for her that looks very nice on her that she left with. She had a little make-over night at SC! We've been thinking a lot about S, one of our guests that we haven't seen in a while. We hope that she will come back soon to see us all. Please keep her in your good thoughts and prayers.

Overall, last night was fantastic! It was filled with good food, new and old friendships, and trust. What more could you ask for?!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

I'm home (for now) !

Friday April 3rd Scarlet Cord Update

It was the one of the first sunny evenings of the year. As we were preparing to send out our street team several women commented that they had seen ladies out. We were stoked!!

Melanie, Elisa, Bekah, Sandy, Emily, Cindy, Raelene and Amanda gave their Friday night to come and bless each other and our guests. Judie brought a savory rice dish with beef, tomatoes and onions served in a gorgeous bowl that she made. We also had homemade chicken salad sandwiches, green salad with snow peas that made you think it was summer already, a mixture of cut up melons summer is a comin, carrot salad, pastries and to finish it off we had my new favorite form of strawberry shortcake.

D came in just as we opened. She brought a cook book for us to use for Friday night meals, and another book which I think talked about cleaning. :) She talked about her mortgage situation, her daughters and other typical D topics. Last week we commented on her green tendencies as of late, this week she reported that she had talked to her neighbor about helping her make a cube table out of some wood and he suggested she buy a piece of glass for the top. Regarding his suggestion she excused his behavior by explain that he wasn't very green and didn't know about recycling. :-)

Toward the end of the evening J came in and said that a couple of weeks ago one of the volunteers had said they bring in fixodent. So Emily, Sandy, and I began digging through the closet. SURE ENOUGH there it was! You ladies are amazing. I love that when we say we will do something we do! Way to go! As J was waiting for her bag of goodies she told Bekah and the others that she had been really depressed lately, to the point that she sometimes can't get out of bed.

If we can keep J's depression and D's financial situation in our thoughts and prayers that would be great.

The street team encountered two women on the street and greeted all of our usual pretenders and hotel managers. We also took lotions to G-Spot and the place next door.

It is so exciting to be a part of Scarlet Cord.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friday, Mar 27th Scarlet Cord Update

I had a great night with the Ladies; Carol, Vania, Bekah, D, Tiffany, Esther, and S.
We feasted on stir-fried beef and rice that Carol brought, fresh fruit and veggies from Esther, and bread and butter.

It was good to visit with our regular and hear about D's interest in the Green movement and that she is making contributions at the airport in this field. She continues to share small portions of her past and the struggles she has had for the past several years each time I see her, and I think it's good for her to have a positive environment to communicate. She strikes me as a woman who has not had a very generous share of that.

S stopped by and stayed for around 20 minutes. I would pray for her that her spirit would be calm and that she would find freedom in the truth of how God looks at her. It seemed to us that she is going through some pretty profound struggles right now.

See you all soon,

Street team summary
Esther N., Bekah and I (Tiffany) headed out on the street team. We parked near 82nd and walked that strip, stopping in at the 7-11 and several clubs and bars in the area. I realized this week that Scarlet Cord is now a regular presence in the neighborhood! Having spent 6 months in Amsterdam, it has been great come back into our Portland SC neighborhood and see that the girls in the clubs we visit are aware of Scarlet Cord. Each was at least cordially thankful for our visit, some even happy to see us. One girl asked if we’d brought any lotions or samples. Unfortunately, we had forgotten to bring anything, but now we know that they like it when we bring a little gift.

In one club, there were two girls working, both presently unoccupied and excited to see us. They told us they really like what we at Scarlet Cord are doing, they are thankful for our presence on the street, and they want to help us out in some way. They offered to make donations and had several ideas for us including handing out our flyer to other girls, making Costco runs for hygiene products, and even donating money. One said she’s had a tough life, but is now in a financial position where she can give and really wants to contribute to our efforts. She showed us a picture of her two-year-old daughter, and gave us her phone number, as well as her co-worker that evening, saying “These are our real names”.

We are thankfully surprised by their eager interest in helping us at Scarlet Cord, and will be discussing as a leadership team how we will respond to their kind offer.

Blessings to you this week,

Monday, March 16, 2009

Friday, March 13th Scarlet Cord Update

It was another quiet evening at Scarlet Cord. Raelene gave me a ride, and as we drove down 82nd, then Sandy Blvd. before 6 o’clock, there were lots of folks out and about. We were hopeful that the slightly warmer temperature and increase in street activity of the early evening would be indicative of a more lively evening at Scarlet Cord. Not quite.

Ellisha, Muna, Cindy and Sandy headed out together as a street team to walk up and down Sandy Boulevard. They were happy to report that most of the flyers posted by volunteers last week are still posted. They were only able to talk with one woman on the street, S, who while showing signs of being under the influence, said she was attending church regularly and getting baptized this weekend. She was interested in coming to SC for dinner soon. Let’s keep her in our prayers.

D showed up at her usual time, with magazine in hand. She has shared articles with us the past several weeks about child brides escaping their husbands in the middle east. These articles usually spark up plenty of conversation amongst all of us while eating dinner, which was nothing short of wonderful this week. Christina dropped off a delicious tray of homemade chicken enchiladas, made by Raquel. Muna brought fresh fruit, Cindy fresh veggies and humus, Raelene “the broccoli chef” made a citrus sweet broccoli salad, and Sandy brought pizza for the appetizer.

D is doing well. She is looking for a new roommate for her house, and has recently been interviewed for an article write-up for a publication through her work. She seems to feel proud of herself about that, and will be happy to share the article with us when it’s published.

We at Scarlet Cord are looking forward to the coming of Spring, the warmer weather and the later evenings. We are hopeful, now that we have become a regular presence in the neighborhood, that the change in season will allow us more face-to-face contact with women on the streets, and bring in more guests on Friday nights. Thank you for keeping Scarlet Cord lifted up in your prayers.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Big Thank You!

A big thank you to the four people who responded to my financial need this month. God is so good in providing. Your giving provided more than enough to pay my bills this month.

Thank you!
Dank je wel!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Friday, March 6th Scarlet Cord Update

It was a laid back, pizza and soda pop kind of night at Scarlet Cord this Friday with Elisa, Muna, Bailey, Emily C., Tiffany, Sandy and Jennifer. Judie dropped off a few take-n-bake pizzas which, when cooking, filled the entire basement with the mouthwatering aroma of pepperoni, Canadian bacon and cheese. We had plenty of sugary indulgences such as root beer, Emily C.’s deliciously moist brownies and zingy lemon bars, chocolate candies, and a huge assortment of donated baked goodies from the church. Thanks to Jen, we had at least one healthy item on the menu – big, juicy orange wedges, yum!

After sending two street teams out (Muna/Sandy & Jen/Bailey), the rest of us cooked up the pizzas and had some good conversation on topics that were sparked by a womens’ forum Emily will be helping to facilitate. D came in to enjoy some pizza with us, and Elisa graced us with her lovely and graceful injured wrist dancing. She is recovering from a recent wrist surgery and had to keep her arm elevated for most of the night, which made for some entertaining positions. What a trooper for making it to SC after her first day back to work!

Both street teams were able to make a few connections with interested women, one who’d heard of us before and would like to come with her children soon. They also posted many flyers around the neighborhood, at bus stops, in phone booths, etc. Sandy and Muna were able to reconnect with V who works in one of the small hotels on Sandy. V was friendlier this week than in recent months, even giving Sandy and Muna each a hug!

Upon the return of the street teams, we sat, ate, and had some interesting discussions about body image issues, self esteem, and how our much our families and society play into our thinking in those areas. S, a first time visitor, came in quickly to check us out. She said she’d heard about us before and wanted to come see what we’re all about. She wanted to know if we’re the kind of ladies who’ve “been there, done that”. After talking briefly with a few volunteers, she happily accepted some hygiene items before heading back out to the street. We were sure to let her know that we’re there every Friday night, we’re a safe haven and place to just hang out, we’ve always got hot food, and that she’s always welcome. We were all thankful for good conversation and a new guest at Scarlet Cord. We hope and pray that S felt welcome, that she’ll tell her friends and they’ll come back soon.

A side note from me:

I have to say, I am so pleased and impressed with the volunteers at Scarlet Cord. I’ve read the weekly email updates and kept in good contact with the other SC leaders while in Amsterdam, and it is SO good to finally be back and see y’all in action with my own eyes. There is a beautiful spirit and energy about our work together, which flows abundantly to the women we are there for every week. I am so blessed to be a part of this work.

P.S. A big thank you to Emily for driving me and my bike home at the end of the evening. Props for getting that bike rack on your car!


Friday, Feb 28th Scarlet Cord Update

Last night was wonderful in so many ways. Tiffany who has been in Amsterdam for the past eight months, working with Scarlet Cord Amsterdam, is back in town! She will be here for about six weeks and then had back to Amsterdam. It was so wonderful to see Tiffany back home at Scarlet Cord. For both Tiffany and other volunteers, it was great to be able to put a face to a name too. Welcome back Tif! We also welcomed Joanne, a new volunteer to Scarlet Cord. We are excited to have you join us! Also, Bekah announced that she is getting married in August! We are all very happy for you Bekah! The rest of the team last night included Vania, Bailey, Laura, Carrie, Sandy, Muna and myself. It was quite a full room! The food was absolutely wonderful too! Glen brought some great sandwich fixins, Bailey brought some killer potato and chive soup and Sandy brought a wonderful chicken noodle soup that Carrie said was probably the best she's ever had! I must say that the sandwich and sup combo was perfect last night! Thanks everyone! Sandy also brought these great little gift mugs on behalf of Abundant Life for the volunteers present that night. They are these very sweet pink mugs with Starbucks goodies in them! Thank you Sandy, Judie and all the others at Abundant life!

Sandy, Muna and Joanne headed out as one of the street teams and covered most of Sandy in our neighborhood. Vania and I went out towards 82nd area. We had a wonderful conversation with "H" at one of the lingerie shows. She was getting ready for work and was telling us that she works 16 hour days every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. She said that she and the other girls love when we come in to talk. She thinks it's great what we do and wishes she could have an opportunity to come to Scarlet Cord. We're hoping that maybe the girls could sneak out for a few minutes one friday night so they could actually have some dinner with us! We were also greeted nicely at all of our regular stops and were able to talk with a couple ladies out on the street as well. It always amazes me how just the simple gesture of inviting someone to dinner can soften someone's face so much. I love it!

Back at home a new guest, J, came in for some dinner. She stayed for quite a while and seemed to have a good time. Also, D came in before work. It is always nice to see her and it seems every time she comes in she is more relaxed and even smiles more now too!

Also, we had a prayer request from our security guard last night. His mom fell a couple days ago and went into the hospital because of some complications last night. He is quite worried about her and asked if we could pray for her. I let him know she is in our prayers.

I hope you all have a fantastic week!


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Amsterdam in February

Immediate Financial Need

Hi all,
A bit of honesty here, I am in need of funds for this month. God has provided a way for me to be able to pay my $400 in student loans and debt each month so far, but I have presently run out of money! My bills are set to be paid automatically in 4 days, and funds have not come in for this month. I know these are tough financial times for most, so please, if you are able to make an immediate donation, contact me at

For those of you who have been, or will be sending a tax-deductible check to Imago Dei Church for my financial support, please:

1. Write "Amsterdam" in the memo line. (very important!)

2. Mail the check to:

2830 NE Flanders
Portland, OR 97232

Thank you so much for your continued support.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update, Feb 21st

Friday night at Scarlet Cord was amazing as usual. Conversations flowed and the community keeps getting stronger! Volunteers Melanie and Sandy took to the streets to invite the neighborhood to Scarlet Cord. They made good connections with several women and encourage the whole team to be in prayer for those we encounter each week. Cheryl and Jen stayed back to serve chicken curry (thanks to Greg!), salad, chicken wings, and pink cupcakes (love it Judie!). D was very late and had to eat and run since she was headed to work, but she appreciated the food and ate up. S came in screaming, "I'm a renter, I'm a renter!" S looked well and talked of the house she is renting with two others as well as her frequent attendance at AA meetings. She admitted to us that she has a problem with alcohol and is celebrating little victories along a path to kick her addiction. It was powerful to say the least! Please commit S to prayer this week asking the Lord to move. She also had a lot to say (for the first time?) about her relationship with a man. She has been with him for some time now and seems to be getting very, very frustrated. They postponed their wedding and she told a couple of stories of his insensitivity and anger. (another big prayer point!) S left with some hygiene product she was in need of and a full stomach (although the curry isnt spicy enough yet:)...Greg...I think that's a challenge!!)

Thank you all for your continued support of Scarlet Cord!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Her Heart is Fertile Ground

A while back, I went out with a Dominican woman named Milagros (Spanish for Miracles) for my first Scharlaken Koord shift in the Spanish-speaking part of the Red Light District. The truth is, there are Spanish-speaking women throughout the RLD, but we went to the area where they are most concentrated. We spoke with many women, the majority also Dominican. Milagros was a prostitute in Amsterdam 10 years ago, so she has quite a connection and heart for these women. I was amazed at how old some of them are. I think the oldest woman we spoke with that day was in her 6o’s! She and the other older ladies spoke openly with Milagros and I about their embarrassment from working in the windows at their age. They told of the many young men and women tourists that snicker and stare as they walk by every day. They shared about their home lives, and the financial and medical needs of their families. They spoke of the shame they feel about the work they do, and the desperation they feel at not being able to do another kind of work - a “normal job” as they put it.

There were 5 Dominican women working in the last brothel Milagros and I visited that day; one in her 60‘s, 3 in their 40’s, and then there was Aneris, the same age as me. I could see that Milagros has quite the rappor with that group. After about 15 minutes of conversation amongst the women, including tears and cries from the eldest about her desire to stop this work, we agreed it would be good to pray. We gathered hands in a circle and prayed together whatever came to our hearts. I was silent as the ladies took turns lifting prayers up to the Lord. In my silence, the Lord brought me a vision. I saw a woman’s heart, and it was open, with fertile soil laid out, ready to receive seeds from above. The seeds came down from the sky like sprinkling rain, and fell on the fertile soil in the woman’s heart. Then came a cleansing rain, followed by bright and warm sunshine. Little green plants started to sprout where the seeds had fallen. The little plants soaked up the cleansing rainfall and vibrant sunshine, and began to grow rapidly. They twisted and curled and grew stronger, thicker, more lush, up, up, up until the woman’s heart was entirely covered with a layer of beautiful, strong, new growth. The Lord spoke the same sentence over and over throughout the vision, “Her heart is fertile ground. Her heart is fertile ground. Her heart is fertile ground…”

The images of the fertile heart remained in my sight as the prayers finished and we all opened our eyes. I asked the Lord,

“What do you want me to do with this?”

He said, “Share it with her.”

“With who?”


A little nervous, I leaned in to Aneris and asked her if I could tell her something. She said sure, so I proceeded to share my vision with her. I told her about the fertile soil in her heart, that she is not dead or dried up, but ready for the change and renewal she is seeking in her life, and that God loves her more than she can ever know, and He is ready to give her the deepest desires of her heart. Her beautiful brown eyes looked up to me in tears, she thanked me for sharing, and hugged me before Milagros and I left the brothel. I was so glad I listened and was obedient that day in the brothel. What a blessing to be used in such a way!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update, Feb 6th

What a wonderful night! We had three new volunteers join us tonight, Cameron, Laura and Cindy. Welcome ladies, we are glad to have you! The first part of the night was a great time, the street team, Muna, Esther, Sandy and Cameron had a good time on the streets and were able to have some nice conversations. We have been on the streets every Friday since June and it's wonderful to see that the community recognizes us, knows who we are and what we do. It's so nice to see some of our guests out and to be able to talk with them on the streets even if they don't make it in to SC for the night.

Back at home, Sarah, Laura, Cindy, Emily and myself sat back and shared some of our stories and thoughts about how we want to make an impact on our communities. It's really great to know that we are all fighting for the same thing, even in different venues, and it's great to know that it can be done! We are all just individual people, but we can do so much together!

Towards the end of the night, D, S and a new friend C came in for dinner. It was really great to see D, she got a raise at her job! We are very excited for her! S came in with C and we loaded everyone one up with food, supplies and great conversation. I was able to talk to C for a while and she says that she grew up in the neighborhood. She actually went to church in the building we use for SC! She admitted that it took a lot of convincing from S to get her to come and when she walked up to the building (her childhood church) she almost walked away. But she said that as soon as she walked through the door she knew it would be ok. She said "I've been here for a half an hour and I already feel more comfortable here than any other place." She knows she can be herself and she trusts that we are not judging her :-) It made me so happy! And, for the first time, a guest asked us what we call ourselves. I explained that we hope the Scarlet Cord is a symbol of trust, friendship and unity. C left with a smile and said she'd be back next week.

I can't say enough how amazing it is to see the love within the walls of Scarlet Cord. I can see God's love bursting through the seams and it is so beautiful! The night renewed my feelings of the power of love and I walked away with a skip in my step. I can't wait for next week!


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Monday Night

There have been so many amazing experiences, conversations and prayers with the women this past week. I could write a story about each of them, but for time’s sake I’ll just tell you a few.

Monday Night
Monday night I hit the streets with a young but experienced volunteer, just a few years older than me. After preparing our bags and praying, we saw that the rain had let up, so she decided we should take a longer walk and reach the quieter part of the Red Light District. When I heard “quieter”, I immediately thought of the area where Ghaith recently got a job at a small hotel. I’ve been walking those particular streets a lot these past few weeks, praying, thinking and wondering if I’d get the chance to speak with the women there. It’s on the outskirts of the RLD, away from the hoards of tourists who gawk at the women and delight in the “coffee”shops, shroom shops, and sex shops. We walked past all of those, and kept going in the direction of the hotel, eventually turning on the very street I’ve been walking and praying over. This area is indeed quieter and a bit more upscale. The women here seem demur, distinguished and classy in comparison to the younger girls you see on the main strip.

The first lady we visited was timid, but willing to let us in and closed the curtain so we could talk for a few minutes. She is from Spain, so I lead most of the conversation in Spanish, and even prayed for her before we left. I was a bit apprehensive, as I’ve not spoken much Spanish in this country, haven’t spoken it on a daily basis in over six months, and rarely if ever say prayers in Spanish. But as you may well know, the Holy Spirit is there in those moments when we don’t have the words. I was led rather eloquently through a beautiful prayer for Cristina in which I prayed for her 4-yr-old son, her desire to leave prostitution, find new work, and start her life fresh. I spoke of how deeply the Lord knows her, how he made her in the womb and knows even today her most secret hopes and dreams. She took our card, which has contact information and a list of the ways we can help her in the process of leaving prostitution. I pray she will listen to her heart and trust God with a new step in her life.

Later, a Nigerian woman named Rita let us in and talked with us for probably twenty minutes. Rita was a prostitute here in Amsterdam for several years in the 80’s, returned to Nigeria and away from prostitution for ten years, then went back after she had a child. The father left when her son was just a baby, and Rita saw no other way to make enough money to survive as a uneducated foreigner in Amsterdam. Rita was raised in a Christian family and community and is still a believer today. She told us she knows what she’s doing is wrong, but she also knows that Jesus is in her heart and is protecting her every day when she goes to the window. She hates the “dirty, sweaty men” that come to her for services and wants to return to her Nigerian home but she stays for her son. He’s accustomed to the European way of life and does not want to live in Africa. Before leaving, my partner, Rita and I held hands in a circle and I prayed over her. Lord, please show Rita her way out!

We later found ourselves in the room of a beautiful Hungarian woman. She’s been working here for three months, and hopes to make enough money to pay for her sister’s eye surgery before she looses her eyesight. Vivian’s sister and family back in Hungary are aware of how she’s earning the money, but have not a clue of the horrors and disgust Vivian is experiencing in the process. Vivian is also Christian. She prays each day on her way to work that God will protect her, keep her from abusive clients, and forgive her for what she’s doing. We spoke with her for a while, then asked if we could pray for her. Her eyes lit up at the thought of prayer, but then, looking around the room she said she’d rather not pray in such an evil and filthy place. She thanked us from the depth of her heart, and we promised to keep her in prayer as we left.

If it is on your heart, please keep Cristina, Rita and Vivian in prayer this week.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama in the Netherlands

I spent the hours of President Obama’s inauguration in the confines of my lovely Dutch home in Smalltown, Netherlands. I started watching the inauguration on CNN Live here at 5:00pm, while getting in a good cardio workout on the exercise bike in my quarters. With great anticipation, and regret at not having made better plans to watch with a fellow American or two, I watched and waited as the many important people were presented… Obama’s children, The Clintons, Mr. & Mrs. George H.W. Bush, Laura & Mr. Bush… until finally, just before 6:00pm our president elect, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama was introduced. The crowded sea of faces roared before him as he stepped out into view. In my excitement, my eyes filled with tears of joy, and the RPMs on the exercise bike I was riding rose far above the safety zone. ☺

I watched and listened to the prayers, songs and poetry, all the while sending text messages back and forth with my one American au pair friend in The Hague. She and I lamented the fact that we weren’t together, but resolved to keep in touch via text messages throughout the event. I wanted to give my full attention as Obama began his inauguration speech, so I ended my workout and sat to stretch on the floor in front of the TV set. A few minutes into his speech, my host father sent word via Yoeri (the 7-yr-old) that dinner was ready.

“Ok Yoeri, thanks. I’ll be down in a minute.”

Yoeri looked at me in disgust at the thought of my making the family wait for dinner, then turned to the little television and raised his pointer finger to the power button.

“Don’t you dare!” I threatened urgently. Yoeri looked at me, confused and surprised. I regained my composure, pointed to the face on the TV screen and asked, “Is that man on the TV downstairs too?”

“Yes,” he said, matter-of-factly.

“Ok then, you can turn it off. I’m coming now.”

I got up and ran down the three flights of stairs to find the children seated, not at the dining room table, but at the coffee table in front of the big-screen TV in the living room. How sweet, my host father had set the table in front of the television so we could all watch the inauguration together! We sat there with our plates full of food, the children and Maartien eating, and I with my face glued to the screen, hardly able to take a bite. Carmen (5-yrs-old) asked her papa constant questions.

“Why are we eating in front of the TV tonight? Who’s that man? What’s he talking about? Why are those people crying? Where’s Queen Beatrix?” (Queen of Holland) And my favorite question of all, “Why doesn’t Queen Beatrix want to be president of the United States anymore?”

The day after President Obama’s inauguration, I was on the train to Amsterdam. I sat down next to two classy older women of African decent, deep in conversation about none other than Mr. Obama. One spoke of her relatives in the U.S. who had gone to Washington for the momentous event. The other spoke of the enormous expectations the world has for our new president. She spoke as a doting and protective grandma, “He betta do good. He betta do right. He betta keep his face up!”

In Amsterdam that day, I saw that Obama was on the cover of many newspapers, and heard that he was the topic of many conversations. I did my outreach with the Scharlaken Koord that day, and my partner of Dominican-African decent spoke of Obama with admiration and inspired remarks. Most of the prostituted women we spoke with that day were from the Dominican Republic, friends of the woman I was out with that day. Several of the women spoke of the new hope they have as a result of Obama’s being elected as president of the United States.

And so, Mr. Obama… you betta do good, you betta do right. You betta keep yo face up! Many are counting on you, and we are praying for you.