I’ve wanted to try this kind of yoga called Bikram for several years now, but honestly was scared to. I went on Saturday with my friend Kelley in Den Hague, and I tell you yoga will never be the same. I loved it! Here’s why…
1. I really like it hot! My favorite time of year is in the summer on those rare days when the temperature rises above 90 and you break a sweat just sitting on the front porch with a cool glass of lemonade.
2. I like to sweat when I exercise. Sweating is something our ancestors did regularly, because they had to work for everything. Nowadays, we have it so easy that many people (myself included) pay money to go to a gym and sweat on special exercise machines. I feel most human, alive and connected with my body when I am covered in sweat.
3. Determination and will power are an absolute necessity in this class. I can always benefit from exercising those aspects of my character.
4. Yoga is my favorite form of exercise, for many reasons. I haven’t done much of it since I moved to the Netherlands, and I’ve missed it so much. Returning to yoga was like coming home after a long time away.
Here’s some info I found on the internet about Bikram yoga, in case you’re curious…
Bikram yoga is widely regarded as the most intense type of yoga. It involves 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises in 90 minutes, all performed in a room heated to 105 degrees. The heated room allows for greater flexibility, it minimizes muscle strain, lactic acid build up and reduces the chance of injury, allows for greater cleansing of the body and helps build tremendous stamina and endurance.
Mmm... so lekker!
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