Thursday, December 18, 2008
My First Shift
Tonight was AMAZING, just in case you've been wondering. It's after midnight and I just got home from my first shift with the Scharlaken Koord. It's too late to write now. I just wanted to thank everyone who prayed for me this week. Thank you so much! God is good, so so Good. I don't know how I'm ever gonna get to sleep tonight!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Prayer Request
My first shift as volunteer with the Scharlaken Koord in Amsterdam’s Red Light District will be this Thursday evening (9am for you NorthWesterners). All volunteers will gather for a Christmas dinner celebration, and then hit the streets. This night will be special because we’ll be handing out a small Christmas gift to each person we speak with. We desire to bring light (and a little Christmas warmth) to a very dark place. In bringing light, there's a spiritual warfare that is constantly present. I trust in God for confidence and his anointed protection. Please keep me uplifted in your prayers this week!
Here’s some information from the Scharlaken Koord website about what I’ll be doing:
A few times a week, Scarlet Cord staff members visit the Amsterdam red-light district with a team of volunteers to reach out to the women behind the windows. In addition to giving them some personal attention and care, they share with the women behind the windows the Gospel that there is new life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
The volunteers have been trained to undertake fieldwork activities. A number are former prostitutes themselves. Like the prostitutes behind the windows, many of them are from different countries and are therefore able to communicate with the women behind the windows in their own language.
Here’s some information from the Scharlaken Koord website about what I’ll be doing:
A few times a week, Scarlet Cord staff members visit the Amsterdam red-light district with a team of volunteers to reach out to the women behind the windows. In addition to giving them some personal attention and care, they share with the women behind the windows the Gospel that there is new life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
The volunteers have been trained to undertake fieldwork activities. A number are former prostitutes themselves. Like the prostitutes behind the windows, many of them are from different countries and are therefore able to communicate with the women behind the windows in their own language.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Update, December
Ministry/Outreach Opportunity finally presented!
I have finally been accepted as a volunteer with a prostitution outreach organization, but this isn’t just the average. The Scharlaken Koord is the most established and successful prostitution alternatives organization in Amsterdam! Of all the organizations I have had contact with, this was the least likely, yet most beneficial possibility, and best fit for me. I’ve had many frustrations with waiting to get involved, but God had everything all figured out. I will start on the 18th of this month, and will be on the streets with experienced volunteers 3 times per week. One shift each week will be with a Spanish-speaking volunteer / former prostitute. I will go with her to the Spanish-speaking part of the Red Light District to talk with the ladies. The Scharlaken Koord will use me as a volunteer, and they also recognize my desire to learn about the administration and behind the scenes workings of their organization. They will be looking for opportunities for me to learn from them in this way, along with field work experiences on the street.
The Scharlaken Koord
(look for the English tab on the left of the webpage)
The organization is called The Scharlaken Koord (Dutch for Scarlet Cord). *We at Scarlet Cord Portland didn’t know of this organization when we chose our name.* It was founded in 1987. What started as some volunteers talking with prostitutes in the windows a few times a week, has since grown into a respected and successful ministry and prostitution alternatives agency. The Scharlaken Koord provides fieldwork, prevention, information, advice, social work, publications and expertise in Amsterdam and other cities throughout the Netherlands.
I am humbled, thankful, excited and blessed to be welcomed into such an established organization. Considering I don’t speak Dutch, and I cannot make a commitment in regards to length of my stay in Amsterdam, I am amazed by this invitation and wonderful opportunity. God is so good!
Work, Family & Finances
It’s strange, but just as the door of opportunity for involvement in the Red Light District has opened up, several aspects of my life have changed in ways that could cause me to doubt and fear.
I have very little money, not even enough to pay my bills back home next month, let alone purchase a return ticket to Portland (whenever that will be). The little money I have earned each month from my work as au pair goes directly to the train and metro transit system for my transportation to and from Amsterdam several times per week. Despite financial need, I have decided to end my job here at the end of next month. I believe it is not what I'm meant to be doing right now. I wasn’t able to obtain a visa as I had hoped. If I continue to work, I run the risk of getting into trouble. Another reason for terminating my employment early is that my father's health is declining quickly and I want to be available to return to Portland if need be. Doctors say he may pass away soon, in which case I will go home to be with family. At the same time, I am looking for a job opportunity (visa included) so I can stay, as long as the situation at home is stable, or can return to if that seems reasonable.
I’m sure this is confusing to you…it’s confusing to me as well. There is much uncertainty in my future. Please pray for me as you feel led. Now that I have joined an organization (and have run out of money), PLEASE prayerfully consider giving a bit of financial support on a one-time or monthly basis. I know, the economy is bad and Christmas is just a few weeks away… but every little bit will help at this time. The Lord has assured me all along that He will provide, and I trust this is true.
Here’s an estimate of the costs I need covered each month:
Transportation: $120
Student loan debt: $400
Return flight to Portland: upwards of $2000 (ouch!)
You can send your tax-deductible donation to:
Imago Dei Community Church
2830 NE Flanders, Portland, OR 97232
*make sure to write “Amsterdam” in the memo line
Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas time this year!
I have finally been accepted as a volunteer with a prostitution outreach organization, but this isn’t just the average. The Scharlaken Koord is the most established and successful prostitution alternatives organization in Amsterdam! Of all the organizations I have had contact with, this was the least likely, yet most beneficial possibility, and best fit for me. I’ve had many frustrations with waiting to get involved, but God had everything all figured out. I will start on the 18th of this month, and will be on the streets with experienced volunteers 3 times per week. One shift each week will be with a Spanish-speaking volunteer / former prostitute. I will go with her to the Spanish-speaking part of the Red Light District to talk with the ladies. The Scharlaken Koord will use me as a volunteer, and they also recognize my desire to learn about the administration and behind the scenes workings of their organization. They will be looking for opportunities for me to learn from them in this way, along with field work experiences on the street.
The Scharlaken Koord
(look for the English tab on the left of the webpage)
The organization is called The Scharlaken Koord (Dutch for Scarlet Cord). *We at Scarlet Cord Portland didn’t know of this organization when we chose our name.* It was founded in 1987. What started as some volunteers talking with prostitutes in the windows a few times a week, has since grown into a respected and successful ministry and prostitution alternatives agency. The Scharlaken Koord provides fieldwork, prevention, information, advice, social work, publications and expertise in Amsterdam and other cities throughout the Netherlands.
I am humbled, thankful, excited and blessed to be welcomed into such an established organization. Considering I don’t speak Dutch, and I cannot make a commitment in regards to length of my stay in Amsterdam, I am amazed by this invitation and wonderful opportunity. God is so good!
Work, Family & Finances
It’s strange, but just as the door of opportunity for involvement in the Red Light District has opened up, several aspects of my life have changed in ways that could cause me to doubt and fear.
I have very little money, not even enough to pay my bills back home next month, let alone purchase a return ticket to Portland (whenever that will be). The little money I have earned each month from my work as au pair goes directly to the train and metro transit system for my transportation to and from Amsterdam several times per week. Despite financial need, I have decided to end my job here at the end of next month. I believe it is not what I'm meant to be doing right now. I wasn’t able to obtain a visa as I had hoped. If I continue to work, I run the risk of getting into trouble. Another reason for terminating my employment early is that my father's health is declining quickly and I want to be available to return to Portland if need be. Doctors say he may pass away soon, in which case I will go home to be with family. At the same time, I am looking for a job opportunity (visa included) so I can stay, as long as the situation at home is stable, or can return to if that seems reasonable.
I’m sure this is confusing to you…it’s confusing to me as well. There is much uncertainty in my future. Please pray for me as you feel led. Now that I have joined an organization (and have run out of money), PLEASE prayerfully consider giving a bit of financial support on a one-time or monthly basis. I know, the economy is bad and Christmas is just a few weeks away… but every little bit will help at this time. The Lord has assured me all along that He will provide, and I trust this is true.
Here’s an estimate of the costs I need covered each month:
Transportation: $120
Student loan debt: $400
Return flight to Portland: upwards of $2000 (ouch!)
You can send your tax-deductible donation to:
Imago Dei Community Church
2830 NE Flanders, Portland, OR 97232
*make sure to write “Amsterdam” in the memo line
Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas time this year!
Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update, Nov. 28

Hello All,
There was a lack of communication in Scarlet Cord updates in the past few weeks. I did not receive any because they were not written. On behalf of my colleagues, I apologize. Here is the most recent update I have received...and still beautiful things are happening there each Friday night. ~Tiffany
So in thinking about Friday night and the events and conversations that occurred, I count it as one more thing in a line of very special events in my life that are blessings, one after another. I've volunteered around, here and there, and one thing that I shy away from in a volunteer situation is any sort of condescension on the part of volunteers. I love that Scarlet Cord women are SO not like that! Friday nights we get together and yes we give out some realistic aid to women through food, hygiene products and referrals for other services that we don't provide that may be needed. But more importantly, it is a time of making friends, of facing and eating with and talking with other people who are sharing our same needs. I don't know a whole lot about what has happened in the lives of some of the women who come and hang out on Friday's with us. But the most important part that needs to be attended and freely given to is the heart. And that is the same for each woman sitting around the table on Fridays.
It was good to see R, D, and S again, and to eat a DELICIOUS meal of Sandy's "chicken kisses", a fresh green salad, and some good Thanksgiving leftovers. The walkabouts went well, and as I recall Sandy and Sarah noticed quite a bit of foot traffic around 82nd and Powell, which can be covered again in the future.
See you ladies later, and to everyone last Friday thanks for being your beautiful selves.
Esther (SC Volunteer)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
My birthday in Swiss winter wonderland
I'm in Switzerland for a long weekend. I'm staying at the L'Abri in a tiny village in the Alps called Huemoz. I'm gonna attach a photo of my surroundings here in the Swiss Alps. It's breathtaking! It started snowing my first night here and has only stopped for a few hours at a time here and there. Beautiful! Do I have to return to flat Holland?
Today's my 29th birthday. It's strange spending my birthday in a foreign country around a bunch of people I don't know. They've been really nice though. I debated telling them about my b-day and ended up telling a few folks. Several have remembered and said happy birthday, and this guy from Seattle named Jim even sang "happy birthday" to me, adding "diamonds" to my name for whatever sweet reason. Kind soul.
I'll be spending Thanksgiving amongst some fellow American friends at the Dutch L'Abri. It should be a lovely time with warm surroundings, kind spirits and great food! Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
November Update
You may remember that I had a great interview with a Venezuelan woman a few months ago, regarding my possible involvement with the prostitution outreach she coordinates. She and I both were excited about the possibilities, and resolved to pray about it, and get back to each other on a few weeks. Well, you may also remember a more recent post on my blog about my frustrations with feeling ignored by that organization as, well as another.
A Divine Invite
I've been praying, thinking, and talking with people about other ways to get involved. One of the people I've spoken the most with and been most encouraged by is Elise, my former prostitute friend. She and I met in March, have been meeting up regularly for the past month, and what a blessing she is! We go for walks, coffee, bike rides in the city, and she even invited me to her room one day to look at photos of her family and the life (or lives) she has left behind. I've also been attending her church on Sundays. Last week she was gracious enough to invite me to meet with her mentor, the woman who visited Elise regularly when she was on the street, and found her nearly dead on the street two years ago. She was lying there, ignored by society, dying of a massive bacterial infection in her leg from years of self-injected, drug-filled needles and K brought her to the hospital.
So I went for coffee with Elise and her mentor. It was so good to see their relationship and interactions. K is a wise, grounded, experienced woman. She knows what questions to ask, how to listen and give encouragement, and what kinds of boundaries should be in place in their relationship. They have a special bond for sure, and I was thankful to witness it for an evening. They invited me to come the next time they meet as well. What a blessing!
While the three of us sat, chatting over lattes, a young girl of maybe 17 showed up at our table, seemingly out of nowhere. You can look for my upcoming blog post titled “Susza” for the story about this girl.
K happens to have worked for 6 years at the organization I've wanted most to be involved with. She knows the Venezuelan lady very well, and offered to remind her about me. She did so, and just the other day, Elise informed me that the organization has been trying to call me since we met in September, but that they didn't have the correct phone number. And I'd been trying to email, but didn't have the correct email, and no phone number.. and didn't want to be pushy by going again in person. I hadn't wanted to force anything, and trusted that God would bring about opportunities as they were meant to come.
Now knowing they'd been attempting to contact me was so encouraging! I decided to stop in briefly the other night, and spoke with the Venezuelan lady. She was happy to see me, as we explained how we'd both been attempting to make contact. We exchanged correct information, and agreed to meet next week to talk some more.
I wrote before of my frustrations with waiting, but am so thankful for this time now. I am learning so much about myself as I've really had to check my motivations and ideals about doing prostitution outreach in this city. I'm still missing my work with Scarlet Cord in Portland, very much... but I am thankful for this time here. I was always so busy in Portland, and it's been nice to slow down, re-evaluate, and ask myself some tough questions. What's important to me? Where am I focused? What are my priorities and do I need to shift some things? Why am I motivated toward this work? What fears, walls and prejudices do I need to work on within me, in order to more fully participate in God’s call? In all of this, I most want to seek God's voice and listen to his direction. There are times when He seems silent, and times when I heard him loud and clear.
I've finally found a church I like. It's the church Elise now attends. She invited me to come with her back in August, and I only one month ago started going. I'm a member of a large church in Portland, which has been growing larger by the minute since it was started 8 years ago. In coming here, I had hoped to find a church I could call home. I wanted a small congregation of honest, sincere seekers of the Lord. Musically inclined would be a plus. Spirit-led, multi-cultural lovers of Christ, a must. I didn't know if I'd find all of that in one church, but I believe I have. There are only about 20 people in the congregation, and they're from all over the world... Indonesia, Suriname, Brazil, Argentina, Holland, Africa, the Carribean, Scottland, and then there's Ghaith from Iraq and me from the U.S. What a group! They open their doors and arms equally to all who enter, and speak lovingly, honestly and powerfully into each others' lives. The pastor had his share of struggles with drugs and alcohol before he met Jesus, and speaks openly and honestly about that. They are in Amsterdam, and really want to reach the lost, lonely and addicted. What a good place for me to be, especially considering the focus God has me on.
I have spoken with Elise, as well as the pastor’s wife and a missionary couple from Texas about my desire to reach prostituted women. They all have the same desire, and were happy to speak with me about their passion and vision for this city. I told them about the Scarlet Cord in Portland, which they were thrilled to hear about. They want to start something similar in the neighborhood where the church is, and are eager to talk more with me about my experiences. Wow! I don’t know if/where these new relationships will go, but it’s exciting to finally be talking to like-minded people with similar passions and vision.
Thank you to those who are thinking good thoughts and prayers for me. Lord knows I need them!
Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update, Nov. 14

It's so good to see dear friends...Sandy, Muna, Misty, Amanda F, Amanda G, Melanie, Hilary, and a new friend Vania (her first night the way, thanks Bekah for the awesome referral). I have come to realize that I miss my dear had been a few weeks since some of us crossed paths on a Friday night and it was so warming to my heart to be with my girlfriends again.
We started out with one of our guests R coming in early with exuberance that just could not be contained....she was granted her apartment that she has been hoping so much for. And one of the first things she said, "you know it's that one I told you all about and that we prayed for!" Three weeks ago a few of us were in her motel room, the one she's been living in for 8 mos, and she asked for us to pray for this. Thank you God for bestowing such a blessing on this miraculous woman who has been through so much. She now has a stable place to live that is her own...and it's literally the first home she's ever known that completely belongs to her. When she walked in tonight, it was clear that she was glowing...and we all agreed she looked so beautiful. And then the floodgates opened and she talked like I've never heard her talk. She shared about her upbringing, what happened to her as a little girl, a tragedy at age 16 that despite her years of very hard living she could still recall with such vivid detail...and then all the pain that followed for the next 25 yrs that most of us could never even fathom. She preached about what is happening to women out there, and not just the ones on the streets but what is happening behind closed doors...look out world, this woman has something important to say! There is absolutely every reason out there that she shouldn't be alive today...but yet she said that God has a plan for her, that she's not done healing and still has a long way to go. I looked at this radiant, insightful, and COURAGEOUS woman sitting next to me who has a heart that is bursting to know and fully understand her value...and I am in awe that beside me is a miracle of God unleashing. Did you all hear angels singing tonight?
I have come to the conclusion that SC is not about what I can offer, or that I serve...but that God is chiseling down my layers and getting to my heart as much as he is for R, or any of our guests. R told us that she's very lonely, that she doesn't really have any girl friends....and honestly, I began to think about that commitment, and how it might interfere with my life (i.e. I live so far from her, I just don't have the time with school, work, etc)...and I just felt sick inside. How quickly my selfishness wormed its way into the whole picture...and how sad it all of a sudden became about me, as if I would be the one "giving" and not her. So God forgive me, because I have so much to learn from R about faith and hope in the midst of pain, AND perseverance, AND inner strength, AND delight in the blessings you bestow. We have committed to develop relationship with women, to see their hearts restored...and that is a long journey, and one that we also claim for ourselves firsthand. All of us who are women especially know that, "if not but for the grace of God...and a good friend," we might have fallen time and time again. So, to my good friends who have helped pick up "my pieces" when they were scattered, I love you and thank God for it's time for me to do the same.
Amanda F made a striking comment tonight about how effective it would be if a community of people went together overseas to an area to serve long-term versus just one or a few or a short amount of time. And I'm thinking...we are not overseas, but here we are a community of people committed and united to serve long-term in this small part of Portland. So, to those of you who have responded and are now a part of the SC community, I feel so incredibly blessed to live part of life with you. May we be challenged together, encouraged by each other, and may we continue to sing and dance always with one another.
Carol (Co-founder, Co-leader)
The street team had a great night, it was apparent that tonight there were a lot more women on the streets. The last four or five months have been flooded with hundreds of arrests in the area and things have been more "hidden," but last night there were some more faces on the street. It was noted that the ladies on the street were pretty young compared to the usual older crowd. We pray that these women are not underage, and as always we pray that every woman is safe. I often pray on my way to SC, and as I'm driving I crane my neck to see familiar faces walking down Sandy. It's interesting to me that I'm starting to feel that Sandy is MY neighborhood, and not just somewhere I go on Friday nights. I look around at the Clubs and Motels that we visit and feel connected to the people going in and out. I feel excited when I do see a familiar face and I feel even more excited when I see that face walk into SC.
S and D came tonight again. S is still her Diva self, but she is becoming more and more real each time I see her. She is a "class clown" and so funny, it's a part of her personality, but she also uses it as a coping tool. I love that she can come into SC and crack a joke when it's funny but also sit back and share her wisdom with us. She is listening a lot more now too, and really wanting to make a personal connection with everyone at SC. We had a new volunteer tonight and S was so excited to greet a new face and make her feel welcome. She always makes a point to ask about the volunteers that aren't there on that particular Friday and makes a point to see who's coming next week. She truly is our sister and means so much to us.
D was quite for most of the night but was sharing with us that she is feeling sad about the relationships she has with her daughters. She feels that they don't want to be around her and don't enjoy talking with her. I pray that D can find love and acceptance at SC and feel the love from women that she deserves. It is apparent that D is a smart lady and she has been financially successful in the past, she ran into some troubles and she feels that she is hit rock bottom. She is currently going to a job servicing center once a week looking for work, but her dream is to become a job assistance counselor for vets in Portland (she's a vet herself!)
What is so clear to me is that there are a lot of women who care in Portland. Listening to D, S and R opens my eyes to a certain raw love, a love that has been attacked by hurt and beat down by pain so much but it perseveres. I know that this love is God's love and it is so beautiful to see it in every one of us. My hope is that we can break down walls of hurt and pain and love ourselves, and each other as God has intended.
Amanda (Co-founder, Co-leader)
Here is my (Tiffany) response, if you're interested:
Hello Lovely SC Sisters and greetings from the other side of the earth. I just finished reading last week's Friday night update. I've been eager to read it for several days now, but I have learned that I must give myself the time and space (physically and emotionally) for reading SC updates. They hit me so deeply and intensely, each and every time. I always know the tears are gonna flow, it's just a matter of when. This time it was the moment I finished reading the last line about breaking down walls of hurt and pain, and loving ourselves and each other as God has intended.
The women in Amsterdam are so hard, and I feel oceans away from them, though I be only a canal or a bridge away. The Red Light here is so permeated with the enemy's lies, and the women seem so far gone. This place so desperately needs God's love, and I so desperately need his direction. Please pray for me in this place.
Be encouraged Carol, about your struggles with selfishness and commitment. For I too, through my encounters with the world of prostitution in Amsterdam and my own time with the Lord, am working at the barriers within. I am learning that it's all about hearing God's voice, that loving voice that calls us to love in action, to let go of the fears and prejudices we ALL have (whatever form they may take), and step out of our comfort zone in faith. This is so simply stated in writing, yet so difficult in body, mind and soul.
Thank you, all of you, for who you are to each other and to the ladies in the Sandy neighborhood. I miss Scarlet Cord so very much, and I thank you for gracing my email inbox every week with your eloquent words.
You are in my prayers always,
Monday, November 17, 2008
Books update
I spoke with my mom and sister on the phone the other day. They were out shopping. I asked what they were shopping for. They sort of hesitated, then Mom admitted it was for my birthday present. Then she realized she'd better tell me she got 2 of the books from the list I posted below a few weeks ago, so I can take them off the list. So, I am happy to tell you, if you'd like to send me a book for my birthday, don't get the following because my loving mom and sis already got them:
The Red Tent
The Wounded Healer
With Open Hands was also purchased by my friend Katie.
Thanks so much,
The Red Tent
The Wounded Healer
With Open Hands was also purchased by my friend Katie.
Thanks so much,
Friday, November 14, 2008
Hot yoga – I’m a fan!
I’ve wanted to try this kind of yoga called Bikram for several years now, but honestly was scared to. I went on Saturday with my friend Kelley in Den Hague, and I tell you yoga will never be the same. I loved it! Here’s why…
1. I really like it hot! My favorite time of year is in the summer on those rare days when the temperature rises above 90 and you break a sweat just sitting on the front porch with a cool glass of lemonade.
2. I like to sweat when I exercise. Sweating is something our ancestors did regularly, because they had to work for everything. Nowadays, we have it so easy that many people (myself included) pay money to go to a gym and sweat on special exercise machines. I feel most human, alive and connected with my body when I am covered in sweat.
3. Determination and will power are an absolute necessity in this class. I can always benefit from exercising those aspects of my character.
4. Yoga is my favorite form of exercise, for many reasons. I haven’t done much of it since I moved to the Netherlands, and I’ve missed it so much. Returning to yoga was like coming home after a long time away.
Here’s some info I found on the internet about Bikram yoga, in case you’re curious…
Bikram yoga is widely regarded as the most intense type of yoga. It involves 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises in 90 minutes, all performed in a room heated to 105 degrees. The heated room allows for greater flexibility, it minimizes muscle strain, lactic acid build up and reduces the chance of injury, allows for greater cleansing of the body and helps build tremendous stamina and endurance.
Mmm... so lekker!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Scarlet Cord Friday Night Update

I am posting the Friday night update from Scarlet Cord in Portland. This is the non-profit ministry organization I co-founded this year, focused on prostituted women in NE Portland. Although I am not currently able to be physically present in Scarlet Cord Friday nights, I am still very much a part of the behind the scenes stuff. The work and heart of Scarlet Cord remain very important to me, and I am happy and blessed to share it with you! Please forgive me for neglecting to send/post these weekly. I will now be posting the updates here on my blog.
Friday night was awesome! I am always so blessed and I know God is smiling down on us like a proud daddy!
For dinner we had delightful veggie burritos made by Jen's friend, Rebecca. Also to fill our bellies, fresh juicy kiwi and pineapple, a great green bean casserole, a very delicious chicken pasta salad, a scrumptious sweet potato pie with home made whipped cream, and wonderful drinks to top it off.
D visited again and brought along a flyer for a craft bazaar she will be attending next Friday, we will miss her but wish her great success. S came tonight as well. The thing with S, she really does liven up the room as soon as she enters it. To see that bright beautiful smile is enough to remind you of the reason that SC exists. S also brought along some of her poetry to share, amazing! I heard talk of a poetry reading night!!
It was brought up last night, that some are noticing barriers being lowered and trust being built up among our guest. Our guests are feeling more comfortable and more able to be themselves, without worrying of judgment or disapproval. SC is truly a place where women (volunteers and guests) can come and relax and be taken care of.
My prayer this week for SC is that we continue to build trust among our guest and that our love, God's love, sparks revolution in the community.
Praise God and God bless,
Misty, volunteer
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Books please, please please!
My birthday's coming up. It's Nov.23rd and if you'd like to give me a gift, please read on...
I'd like some reading material. You can go to (or any other bookstore), purchase a book for me, then have it shipped to my address here in the Netherlands. Be sure to let me know if you are having a book sent to me, so I can take it off the list.
Here's my book wish list:
The Red Tent - Anita Diamant
Prostitution, Trafficking, and PSTD - Melissa Farley
The Wounded Healer - Henri Nouwen
With Open Hands - Henri Nouwen
I Dared to Call Him Father - Bilquis Sheikh (I think)
Abu Sharif, Mystery Of The Hundredth Name - Jim Mellis (YWAM Publishing)
Seeing the City with the Eyes of God - Floyd McClung (YWAM Publishing)
Here's my address:
Monnetlaan 13
3446 HH Woerden
The Netherlands
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It's been far too long since the last blog I posted which had anything to do with the main reason I came here. In case you don't know, as I sometimes question it myself...I came here to get involved with outreach/ministry to prostituted women in Amsterdam's Red Light District. Most who read this are very aware of my hopes in this area, and have probably been wondering what's going on.
Let me tell you... it feels like nothing is going on, not happening, at all. I've sought opportunities with several organizations, but am not getting responses at this point. The support letters I wrote have resulted in very little money as well, which has been quite surprising to me. I am wondering if these two facts should be pointing me to accept that God did not bring me here to do ministry/missions as I thought. I've been waiting to write, hoping I'd be able to write of involvement of some kind. I now realize that's silly, and I need to share with you exactly where I'm at.
I have been stuck in idle mode since I arrived in August - at least in the ministry/outreach part of my life. I'd been in contact with two ministry outreach organizations before I came, hoping to get involved. After my arrival, one of them would not give me the time of day. I eventually showed up at their doorstep, hoping to get in and make face-to-face contact. They let me in, gave me a quick tour, answered a few questions, and told me to email the director of street outreach. The woman I spoke with didn't seem too interested in me or any possible involvement, saying that since I'm a foreigner and don't speak Dutch it's not likely they can use me. I explained our at Scarlet Cord in Portland to them, and said I'd simply like to learn from them, since they do what we are hoping to eventually do (which I'd also explained in previous letters/emails). That was 8 weeks ago. I have sent several follow-up emails, receiving NO response.
I got an interview with the other organization, which went really well. The woman who interviewed me seemed interested and saw potential for my involvement. Strange thing though, she has not responded to any emails since that day either.
When I visited here in March, I met a woman (I'll refer to her as E) who had prostituted on the streets of Amsterdam for 25 years. E was clean and sober, free of prostitution for the past 2 years...full of life, hope, and renewal. We had some incredibly precious time together walking the streets of the Red Light District and talking about the hopelessness the women face every day, and the hope Jesus Christ's redeeming love is to all who find it. She is a light in that place now, and I was so thankful to meet her.
Since my return, E and I were blessed to find each other again and exchange numbers. I saw her once and have yet to see her again. We talk occasionally on the phone, but never seem to be able to make plans that actually happen. Tonight, however, we have plans. In just one hour I will meet up with her, and no cancellations are to be spoken of this time. Presently , E is my ONLY "in" with the world of prostitution here. I want so badly to be involved with the ladies, but I don't want to be out there alone. It's just not safe. Please pray for this and other possible connections.
I am missing my work in Portland with Scarlet Cord so much! I am co-founder of this non-profit that is soaring and very much in need of help in these early stages of development. Yet here I sit, idle and unable to do what my heart so longs to do. I have been having some major wrestling matches in my head about my choice to come to Holland, my motivations, and the decisions I need to be considering and making about my time here and what's to come in the future. At times I have doubted myself and allowed the enemy to speak lies to me, putting me in a downward spiral where I lose perspective of God's truth...and that truth is that I AM HIS BELOVED.
Considering the little response from the ministries here as well as the support letters I sent to friends and family back home, I have to ask myself the question, "Do I pursue the dream I believe the Lord has given me to be involved here, or do I listen to the facts of my present circumstances and adjust/change plans?"
My first 2 months here have not at all been what I expected my time here to be like, but I can't thank the Lord enough for the beautiful blessings he is giving me each and every day. There are some big and very obvious ways He is working on my heart. Besides, since when did MY expectations even come close to the beautiful experiences and lessons the Lord has planned?
There is something powerful to be found in this idleness that has so frustrated me. My life in Portland was terribly busy. More often than not I was stressed, over-worked, over-committed, overwhelmed, always on the go, and neglecting some very important people, including myself. I've been forced to slow down. I've been given time to examine my life and question what's really important to me, my motives, hopes and dreams. For this reason, I am thankful for this idle time.
I trust Him, for He is good.
In the words of Psalm 19,
He is reviving my soul, making me wise, giving joy to my hears and light to my eyes.
More to come soon about my life here, including work, travels, friendship and more! Keep the prayers coming, as you feel led. Thank you so much for your support!
Let me tell you... it feels like nothing is going on, not happening, at all. I've sought opportunities with several organizations, but am not getting responses at this point. The support letters I wrote have resulted in very little money as well, which has been quite surprising to me. I am wondering if these two facts should be pointing me to accept that God did not bring me here to do ministry/missions as I thought. I've been waiting to write, hoping I'd be able to write of involvement of some kind. I now realize that's silly, and I need to share with you exactly where I'm at.
I have been stuck in idle mode since I arrived in August - at least in the ministry/outreach part of my life. I'd been in contact with two ministry outreach organizations before I came, hoping to get involved. After my arrival, one of them would not give me the time of day. I eventually showed up at their doorstep, hoping to get in and make face-to-face contact. They let me in, gave me a quick tour, answered a few questions, and told me to email the director of street outreach. The woman I spoke with didn't seem too interested in me or any possible involvement, saying that since I'm a foreigner and don't speak Dutch it's not likely they can use me. I explained our at Scarlet Cord in Portland to them, and said I'd simply like to learn from them, since they do what we are hoping to eventually do (which I'd also explained in previous letters/emails). That was 8 weeks ago. I have sent several follow-up emails, receiving NO response.
I got an interview with the other organization, which went really well. The woman who interviewed me seemed interested and saw potential for my involvement. Strange thing though, she has not responded to any emails since that day either.
When I visited here in March, I met a woman (I'll refer to her as E) who had prostituted on the streets of Amsterdam for 25 years. E was clean and sober, free of prostitution for the past 2 years...full of life, hope, and renewal. We had some incredibly precious time together walking the streets of the Red Light District and talking about the hopelessness the women face every day, and the hope Jesus Christ's redeeming love is to all who find it. She is a light in that place now, and I was so thankful to meet her.
Since my return, E and I were blessed to find each other again and exchange numbers. I saw her once and have yet to see her again. We talk occasionally on the phone, but never seem to be able to make plans that actually happen. Tonight, however, we have plans. In just one hour I will meet up with her, and no cancellations are to be spoken of this time. Presently , E is my ONLY "in" with the world of prostitution here. I want so badly to be involved with the ladies, but I don't want to be out there alone. It's just not safe. Please pray for this and other possible connections.
I am missing my work in Portland with Scarlet Cord so much! I am co-founder of this non-profit that is soaring and very much in need of help in these early stages of development. Yet here I sit, idle and unable to do what my heart so longs to do. I have been having some major wrestling matches in my head about my choice to come to Holland, my motivations, and the decisions I need to be considering and making about my time here and what's to come in the future. At times I have doubted myself and allowed the enemy to speak lies to me, putting me in a downward spiral where I lose perspective of God's truth...and that truth is that I AM HIS BELOVED.
Considering the little response from the ministries here as well as the support letters I sent to friends and family back home, I have to ask myself the question, "Do I pursue the dream I believe the Lord has given me to be involved here, or do I listen to the facts of my present circumstances and adjust/change plans?"
My first 2 months here have not at all been what I expected my time here to be like, but I can't thank the Lord enough for the beautiful blessings he is giving me each and every day. There are some big and very obvious ways He is working on my heart. Besides, since when did MY expectations even come close to the beautiful experiences and lessons the Lord has planned?
There is something powerful to be found in this idleness that has so frustrated me. My life in Portland was terribly busy. More often than not I was stressed, over-worked, over-committed, overwhelmed, always on the go, and neglecting some very important people, including myself. I've been forced to slow down. I've been given time to examine my life and question what's really important to me, my motives, hopes and dreams. For this reason, I am thankful for this idle time.
I trust Him, for He is good.
In the words of Psalm 19,
He is reviving my soul, making me wise, giving joy to my hears and light to my eyes.
More to come soon about my life here, including work, travels, friendship and more! Keep the prayers coming, as you feel led. Thank you so much for your support!
Monday, October 27, 2008
their new birthday
Sunday I witnessed the baptism of two very special people; my boyfriend Ghaith (name meaning the beginning of the rain) and his friend Azad (name meaning freedom). Both are from Iraq, both refugees, both former Muslims, and both wonderfully in love with Jesus and the freedom He gives. It was evident on each of their faces how much that day meant. They called it their new birthday. I was both humbled and inspired to witness such a glorious day in God's kingdom!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
He Fills our Hearts to Overflowing
Check out this email correspondence that was passed among us Scarlet Cord leaders today…
Two of our Scarlet Cord volunteers (newfound friends) were at my house this evening for the Naked Lady Party. I almost cried when someone asked them to describe Scarlet Cord. They were eloquent and described it exactly how I would have. Amazing. I loved being able to keep my mouth shut and hear two of our volunteers/friends get all excited and encourage others to volunteer. Make my heart just melt.
That is just beautiful Jen! It makes me think of how the Bible describes Jesus' life here on Earth. He disciples, then asks us to disciple. He penetrates our lives and fills our hearts to overflowing. Those we pour into are then filled with his undying love, and they are in turn able to pour into others. God has created a waterfall in Scarlet Cord, first into us as leaders, then into our volunteers, and even further into our friends, families, communities, and the world. Just watch that waterfall flow, pour over and create new waterfalls...until the whole earth is filled with his love!
Two of our Scarlet Cord volunteers (newfound friends) were at my house this evening for the Naked Lady Party. I almost cried when someone asked them to describe Scarlet Cord. They were eloquent and described it exactly how I would have. Amazing. I loved being able to keep my mouth shut and hear two of our volunteers/friends get all excited and encourage others to volunteer. Make my heart just melt.
That is just beautiful Jen! It makes me think of how the Bible describes Jesus' life here on Earth. He disciples, then asks us to disciple. He penetrates our lives and fills our hearts to overflowing. Those we pour into are then filled with his undying love, and they are in turn able to pour into others. God has created a waterfall in Scarlet Cord, first into us as leaders, then into our volunteers, and even further into our friends, families, communities, and the world. Just watch that waterfall flow, pour over and create new waterfalls...until the whole earth is filled with his love!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
A place of my own
I spent the weekend at L'Abri, a Christian study center/ communal living home out in the countryside of central Holland. I was there (mostly) to visit my dear friend Kara (from Portland) before she returns to the U.S. We hadn't seen each other in months, and it was so nourishing to my soul to spend a few days with her. Not to mention the tranquil, encouraging environment that is Dutch L'Abri.
The other morning just after breakfast, Kara told me she'd had a dream about me the night before.
She dreamt we were in New York City with some friends. I had been away from the group for a bit, exploring the city on my own. When we reconnected, I excitedly told them about how I had met a very nice woman on the street. The women and I got along quite well, and she wanted to give me very own place in New York City. It was a special location, a place just for me.
At that point, Kara had me very curious about this special place. Kara went on to tell me that my special place, given to me by the woman on the street, was none other than the Statue of Liberty! Wow, how poignant to where I’m at in my life, wanting to help women and girls find freedom from captivity in the sex slavery.
The other morning just after breakfast, Kara told me she'd had a dream about me the night before.
She dreamt we were in New York City with some friends. I had been away from the group for a bit, exploring the city on my own. When we reconnected, I excitedly told them about how I had met a very nice woman on the street. The women and I got along quite well, and she wanted to give me very own place in New York City. It was a special location, a place just for me.
At that point, Kara had me very curious about this special place. Kara went on to tell me that my special place, given to me by the woman on the street, was none other than the Statue of Liberty! Wow, how poignant to where I’m at in my life, wanting to help women and girls find freedom from captivity in the sex slavery.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I've been in Holland for 2 weeks now, and am having a wonderful journey so far. Most of my time has been spent reconnecting with friends and making new ones in the crazy, yet enchanting city of Amsterdam. I’m staying right in the Red Light District at the Shelter City, a Christian hostel.
This place is like a refuge amidst chaos. We are surrounded by sexual perversion, where girls and women loose their dignity hour-by-hour, day-by-day, week-by-week, client-by-client. Sex pervades everything, the smell of marijuana smoke wafts and looms around every corner, theft is rampant, and women are sold like meat at the slaughterhouse. Thousands of tourists roam the streets in a drunken stuper, eyes glazed over, high on any number of soft or hard drugs. I walk these beautiful streets, with the canals, bridges, and classic old architecture, and I watch people. So many lost souls, looking for something, anything to make them feel good, feel a sense of belonging. It’s a sad, sad world we live in, yet so much hope awaits those who lift their eyes unto the maker of it all. He is there, just waiting for anyone who will ask him. He is waiting, watching, weeping for those lost souls.
Look up, dear ones, to the one who created you. He is love. He loves you with more love than you can ever understand or fathom. He sees you as beautiful. Actually, he is enthralled by your beauty.
The King is enthralled by your beauty. Honor him, for he is your Lord.
~Psalm 45:11
I found a place and time to be alone the other day, and asked God what he wanted me to do with my evening. It was the first time I’d been alone since I arrived 2 weeks ago(besides a few lovely walks I’ve taken on my own). I asked God for divine appointments. Yes, appointmentS. And yes, God came through that very night!
The first was with my friend Paul. He used to work here at Shelter City (the hostel) and now lives in Portland. He has a heart for people on the streets, is a visionary, and a huge encouragement to talk big dreams with. We went on a bike ride to N. Amsterdam last night. He took me to a lovely spot on a bay filled with docked sailboats, and lined with gabled houses and cobblestone streets. We sat there under the stars in the cool of the evening, eating Dutch cheese, drinking red wine from the Basque country, and talking big dreams. He knows this city well, and was such an encouragement to me.
Upon our return, which almost didn’t happen because we missed the last ferry, then found another that runs all night, I was blessed to find the one person I’ve so desperately wanted to see here, but I had no idea how to get a hold of her. Elise (the ex-prostitute, on fire for the Lord, recovering addict, beloved sister) was sitting in the café of the hostel as the nightly prayer meeting was just ending. We remembered each other right away, from our walk and talk in March. We hugged and laughed and commented on how good each other look. We had great conversation, exchanged phone numbers, and agreed to meet again the next night. She’s got some ideas for how I can get involved on the street. She invited me to attend church with her. Her church is especially focused on womens’ ministries, particularly those recovering from abuse or addiction. Yeah!
Scharlaken Koord
Yesterday I was able to meet with the two main prostitution outreach organizations in the RLD. I stopped by the Scharlaken Koord, the Dutch Scarlet Cord, which has been in existence since 1989. Although I didn’t have an appointment, I was able to speak with the secretary for 30 minutes or so. They are a well-established social resource for women who desire to get out of prostitution. I will set an interview in a few weeks with the director of the street ministry, to see if I might fit in with their organization in some way.
The Cleft
I also met with the director of the women’s prostitution ministry at a place called The Cleft, connected with YWAM and the Salvation Army. We had an actual appointment, which she was not ready for when I arrived 10 minutes late. The streets and canals all look the same to me, and it was difficult to find the location, but nonetheless I found it, and was so very pleased when arrived.
Edna, who I was to speak with, welcomed me to sit with her and five other women, one with a baby, who were seated around a large table, learning how to make necklaces with beads and thin leather. When I realized they were all speaking Spanish, I spoke up, “¿Todas hablan español?” They all looked at me in surprise, especially Edna, who responded “You speak Spanish?!” We sat around the table and gabbed away about beading, babies, shopping, family…you name it. About a half hour later the ladies were on their way out the door and Edna and I were able to have our meeting. She informed me that three of the women were friends of hers visiting from her native Venezuela, and two are prostitutes. What a blessing! I felt right at home with those ladies, speaking Spanish and talking about life. The rest of our meeting, some of which was spoken in Spanish, went very well. (I've been hoping to find someone to keep up my Spanish with!) Edna was very receptive to hear my story, my hopes and ideas for involvement in Amsterdam. She was very encouraging and excited about the potential to work together, and seems like she is open to working with my schedule and interests. I find into coincidence that she is presently in need of a Spanish-speaking assistant for her Monday night Bible studies with prostitutes.
The Lord is so present here, and I am so very thankful. I am not alone in this place. He is with me, and has provided me with almost constant companionship and fellowship with friends old and new.
Please pray for guidance for me.
Thank you.
This place is like a refuge amidst chaos. We are surrounded by sexual perversion, where girls and women loose their dignity hour-by-hour, day-by-day, week-by-week, client-by-client. Sex pervades everything, the smell of marijuana smoke wafts and looms around every corner, theft is rampant, and women are sold like meat at the slaughterhouse. Thousands of tourists roam the streets in a drunken stuper, eyes glazed over, high on any number of soft or hard drugs. I walk these beautiful streets, with the canals, bridges, and classic old architecture, and I watch people. So many lost souls, looking for something, anything to make them feel good, feel a sense of belonging. It’s a sad, sad world we live in, yet so much hope awaits those who lift their eyes unto the maker of it all. He is there, just waiting for anyone who will ask him. He is waiting, watching, weeping for those lost souls.
Look up, dear ones, to the one who created you. He is love. He loves you with more love than you can ever understand or fathom. He sees you as beautiful. Actually, he is enthralled by your beauty.
The King is enthralled by your beauty. Honor him, for he is your Lord.
~Psalm 45:11
I found a place and time to be alone the other day, and asked God what he wanted me to do with my evening. It was the first time I’d been alone since I arrived 2 weeks ago(besides a few lovely walks I’ve taken on my own). I asked God for divine appointments. Yes, appointmentS. And yes, God came through that very night!
The first was with my friend Paul. He used to work here at Shelter City (the hostel) and now lives in Portland. He has a heart for people on the streets, is a visionary, and a huge encouragement to talk big dreams with. We went on a bike ride to N. Amsterdam last night. He took me to a lovely spot on a bay filled with docked sailboats, and lined with gabled houses and cobblestone streets. We sat there under the stars in the cool of the evening, eating Dutch cheese, drinking red wine from the Basque country, and talking big dreams. He knows this city well, and was such an encouragement to me.
Upon our return, which almost didn’t happen because we missed the last ferry, then found another that runs all night, I was blessed to find the one person I’ve so desperately wanted to see here, but I had no idea how to get a hold of her. Elise (the ex-prostitute, on fire for the Lord, recovering addict, beloved sister) was sitting in the café of the hostel as the nightly prayer meeting was just ending. We remembered each other right away, from our walk and talk in March. We hugged and laughed and commented on how good each other look. We had great conversation, exchanged phone numbers, and agreed to meet again the next night. She’s got some ideas for how I can get involved on the street. She invited me to attend church with her. Her church is especially focused on womens’ ministries, particularly those recovering from abuse or addiction. Yeah!
Scharlaken Koord
Yesterday I was able to meet with the two main prostitution outreach organizations in the RLD. I stopped by the Scharlaken Koord, the Dutch Scarlet Cord, which has been in existence since 1989. Although I didn’t have an appointment, I was able to speak with the secretary for 30 minutes or so. They are a well-established social resource for women who desire to get out of prostitution. I will set an interview in a few weeks with the director of the street ministry, to see if I might fit in with their organization in some way.
The Cleft
I also met with the director of the women’s prostitution ministry at a place called The Cleft, connected with YWAM and the Salvation Army. We had an actual appointment, which she was not ready for when I arrived 10 minutes late. The streets and canals all look the same to me, and it was difficult to find the location, but nonetheless I found it, and was so very pleased when arrived.
Edna, who I was to speak with, welcomed me to sit with her and five other women, one with a baby, who were seated around a large table, learning how to make necklaces with beads and thin leather. When I realized they were all speaking Spanish, I spoke up, “¿Todas hablan español?” They all looked at me in surprise, especially Edna, who responded “You speak Spanish?!” We sat around the table and gabbed away about beading, babies, shopping, family…you name it. About a half hour later the ladies were on their way out the door and Edna and I were able to have our meeting. She informed me that three of the women were friends of hers visiting from her native Venezuela, and two are prostitutes. What a blessing! I felt right at home with those ladies, speaking Spanish and talking about life. The rest of our meeting, some of which was spoken in Spanish, went very well. (I've been hoping to find someone to keep up my Spanish with!) Edna was very receptive to hear my story, my hopes and ideas for involvement in Amsterdam. She was very encouraging and excited about the potential to work together, and seems like she is open to working with my schedule and interests. I find into coincidence that she is presently in need of a Spanish-speaking assistant for her Monday night Bible studies with prostitutes.
The Lord is so present here, and I am so very thankful. I am not alone in this place. He is with me, and has provided me with almost constant companionship and fellowship with friends old and new.
Please pray for guidance for me.
Thank you.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Jesus and I set out walking down a country lane, out in open fields of wild green grasses and rolling hills. The dirt path led us through the country side, past small farm houses, stables, trees and ponds.
"Why are we walking here together Jesus?"
"To see the truth," he told me in a light-hearted, yet deeply sincere manner.
The path led us into a quaint little town with cottages and cobblestone streets. As we passed through, he greeted all that wet encountered.
"Hello Maartin," he said with a shining smile. "That's the town butcher," he explained. "Anna, how are your little ones?" he asked as we walked by the seamstress shop. He even greeted the drunken Alfred, lazily sprawled on the park bench in the town square.
"You see Tiffany, these are my little ones, and I love them, each and every one."
We followed the road as it led us out of that happy little town, and soon we were approaching a much busier place. It was a hustling, bustling city filled with bridges over canals, and tall buildings built in classic, old architectural styles. People were headed to and fro, all on their own agendas. They took no notice of Jesus, but he knew them just as well.
"That's Susanne. She's a successful business woman now. She's got a husband and two kids at home. She knew me as a little how she's grown up. How I do love her."
We continued through the busy streets and as we became immersed in the city center, the people seemed to change, as did the businesses that inhabitted the buildings. The streets seemed to darken and there was a deep and desparate perversion lingering heavily in the air.
We kept on, walking further into that strange place. A woman with festering sores on her face approached us, groping for spare change. Jesus reached out, his hand meeting hers, and as she received his love, she smiled gratefully, revealing a toothless grin. Passing by window shops, we saw scantily clad women selling, not the lingerie, shoes, or accessories they adorn, but the very bodies that adorn them. Jesus knew the heartbreaking story of each one. He knew how this beloved had been tricked into false promises of a career as a fashion model, and how that precious one had fallen victim to the talon grip of drug addiction. Junkies, pimps, tourists and shop patrons lined the streets, and Jesus knew and loved each and every one of them more deeply than they could ever know.
After we had seen all of these, Jesus turned to me, looked deep into my eyes, and said,
"Do not be afraid of these, for they are mine and I love them. And you are mine, and I love you. We are all members of one body. Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me, the one they do not know. How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone telling them? And how can they tell others unless they are sent? Therefore go, I tell you, for they do not know me, and it is I they desperately need to know."
"Why are we walking here together Jesus?"
"To see the truth," he told me in a light-hearted, yet deeply sincere manner.
The path led us into a quaint little town with cottages and cobblestone streets. As we passed through, he greeted all that wet encountered.
"Hello Maartin," he said with a shining smile. "That's the town butcher," he explained. "Anna, how are your little ones?" he asked as we walked by the seamstress shop. He even greeted the drunken Alfred, lazily sprawled on the park bench in the town square.
"You see Tiffany, these are my little ones, and I love them, each and every one."
We followed the road as it led us out of that happy little town, and soon we were approaching a much busier place. It was a hustling, bustling city filled with bridges over canals, and tall buildings built in classic, old architectural styles. People were headed to and fro, all on their own agendas. They took no notice of Jesus, but he knew them just as well.
"That's Susanne. She's a successful business woman now. She's got a husband and two kids at home. She knew me as a little how she's grown up. How I do love her."
We continued through the busy streets and as we became immersed in the city center, the people seemed to change, as did the businesses that inhabitted the buildings. The streets seemed to darken and there was a deep and desparate perversion lingering heavily in the air.
We kept on, walking further into that strange place. A woman with festering sores on her face approached us, groping for spare change. Jesus reached out, his hand meeting hers, and as she received his love, she smiled gratefully, revealing a toothless grin. Passing by window shops, we saw scantily clad women selling, not the lingerie, shoes, or accessories they adorn, but the very bodies that adorn them. Jesus knew the heartbreaking story of each one. He knew how this beloved had been tricked into false promises of a career as a fashion model, and how that precious one had fallen victim to the talon grip of drug addiction. Junkies, pimps, tourists and shop patrons lined the streets, and Jesus knew and loved each and every one of them more deeply than they could ever know.
After we had seen all of these, Jesus turned to me, looked deep into my eyes, and said,
"Do not be afraid of these, for they are mine and I love them. And you are mine, and I love you. We are all members of one body. Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me, the one they do not know. How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone telling them? And how can they tell others unless they are sent? Therefore go, I tell you, for they do not know me, and it is I they desperately need to know."
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