I had a great night with the Ladies; Carol, Vania, Bekah, D, Tiffany, Esther, and S.
We feasted on stir-fried beef and rice that Carol brought, fresh fruit and veggies from Esther, and bread and butter.
It was good to visit with our regular and hear about D's interest in the Green movement and that she is making contributions at the airport in this field. She continues to share small portions of her past and the struggles she has had for the past several years each time I see her, and I think it's good for her to have a positive environment to communicate. She strikes me as a woman who has not had a very generous share of that.
S stopped by and stayed for around 20 minutes. I would pray for her that her spirit would be calm and that she would find freedom in the truth of how God looks at her. It seemed to us that she is going through some pretty profound struggles right now.
See you all soon,
Street team summary
Esther N., Bekah and I (Tiffany) headed out on the street team. We parked near 82nd and walked that strip, stopping in at the 7-11 and several clubs and bars in the area. I realized this week that Scarlet Cord is now a regular presence in the neighborhood! Having spent 6 months in Amsterdam, it has been great come back into our Portland SC neighborhood and see that the girls in the clubs we visit are aware of Scarlet Cord. Each was at least cordially thankful for our visit, some even happy to see us. One girl asked if we’d brought any lotions or samples. Unfortunately, we had forgotten to bring anything, but now we know that they like it when we bring a little gift.
In one club, there were two girls working, both presently unoccupied and excited to see us. They told us they really like what we at Scarlet Cord are doing, they are thankful for our presence on the street, and they want to help us out in some way. They offered to make donations and had several ideas for us including handing out our flyer to other girls, making Costco runs for hygiene products, and even donating money. One said she’s had a tough life, but is now in a financial position where she can give and really wants to contribute to our efforts. She showed us a picture of her two-year-old daughter, and gave us her phone number, as well as her co-worker that evening, saying “These are our real names”.
We are thankfully surprised by their eager interest in helping us at Scarlet Cord, and will be discussing as a leadership team how we will respond to their kind offer.
Blessings to you this week,